I think someone tried to save me by suddenly making my horn not work

Lmfao...this is whY guys do to females all.day.long.

But you were ok doing it on your terms.... you are an AH

YTA..TOTALLY... just by your actions now shows that you would have totLly treTed him different. Damn this is a huge sign he should leave your arse sooner than later. You are a totally scum.

Instead of discussing his exoerience withconoassoon and interest..you yelked at him...

I wouldnt talk to you either!!!

We keep warning people nit to mark same place closed over and over.. you will be deactivated...

But the base pay is a lot higher. Tip was probably included in that. You took the order. Go cry elesewhere

So you leave car running in a fire lane? You really think you are invincible dont you. The thing with some drivers is, they think they can do whatever tbey damn well please. Take note: stay out of the handicap spots.

The shopper made this way more difficult than it had to be

Lol at the idiots who think this chit is only happening at night..

I dunno.. people raised im memphis think this is normal. There is nothing wrong

You must be the wealthy Memphian.....

Lmao... on wells station there is a huge hole been that way forever.... they put one of those metal squares over it.. so they only filled in the part not covered up instead of fixing the whole hole.

I see thsy finally fixed that stretch on summer... its been rough like that for years

You are one of the biggest assholes ive seen on the forums. Feel proud of yourself!

The postal service in memphis sucks... half the time i dont get my mail. Dont get my mail if i have it held.... Just another crappy thing in Memphis.


Messages like this are gross and disgusting. Ask them if they need some cardboard for a sign

More and more crappy dashers. People are sick of being screwed over.

Anyone need to wirk and make money.. just hang out by potholes ready to change a tire.. charge 20.00 a shot... wait for triple A is a couple hours.. unless its gotten better