Sinisterhood. They cover true crime, cryptids, and urban legends. Both are improv comedians from Dallas, one is a mom who has had another child since the show started. The other is a lawyer who met her current husband since the show started. I’m not sure of their ages but I think 30-40ish.

So there is the OG Hairspray from 1988 staring Ricki Lake, Debbie Harry, Devine, and more. This version is very John Walters and much more camp and weird.

This was turned into a musical stage production in 2002. Which is amazing and worth watching if it ever is done by a theater near you.

Then in 2008 the stage musical was turned into the movie references in this post. While it is technically a “remake” it is pretty different from the original because it is an adaptation of an adaptation. It definitely has less of the camp and weird that John Walters is known for.

Hard agree on the recommendation for everyone to check out John Walters.

Here is an article explaining what OPEC is.


The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is a cartel consisting of 13 of the world’s major oil-exporting nations.

OPEC aims to regulate the supply of oil in order to set the price on the world market.

The arrival of fracking technology for natural gas in the U.S. has reduced OPEC’s ability to control the world market.

The organization was established in 1960 by its founding members Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.

While OPEC does ensure that there is a steady supply of oil in the global market, it has come under fire for holding considerable power in the industry, which allows it to keep prices as high as possible.

These need way more light and grittier soil. They should be short. Mine are in a mostly fine gravel soil mix and I only water them a couple times a year. I only have two though and one I bought looking like yours - you may check in with the pros at r/lithops.

I’m just saying it’s not “super expensive” and I would rather be able to sit up in bed and be standing than have to get off the floor.

Amazon has decent bed frames for like $100.

This also works with sausage. I made plain waffles this weekend and my husband thanked me but said next time make sausage waffles.

I don’t know her 💅

Picking POTUS is picking the whole executive branch. Do we want Ben Carson in charge of HUD or Adrianne Todman? Do we want Betsy DeVos in charge of Education or Miguel Cardona?

It’s the choice between experts in their fields and those who want to dismantle the entire system.

I saw “Kids are the new boats. Expensive and if you like them you will have more fun if they belong to a friend. “

I work for a midsized bank and last year we started to wait almost the maximum amount of time to pay out (90 days for us). This was to allow time for account activity, if there is none then the account is investigated to ensure it was legitimately opened. This started after Wells got in trouble, again, for opening fake accounts. It may seem annoying for those looking for the promo money but it really was a decision based on protecting customers.

Make sure to watch till the end. No spoilers but I usually stop watching the last week but this last week is a must watch. Season 5 is considered one of the best seasons for good reason.

I work in bank compliance. There are already multiple court cases against the CFPB that were delayed while the court decided on Chevron. Including limiting credit card late fees and collecting data on small business loans to identify discrimination. Against the Fed, OCC, and FDIC (who regulate all banks) there is a case on changes to the Community Reinvestment Act which requires banks to serve low income people and do charitable work in communities where they take deposits.

I don’t know her 💅

McKay made the show “Winning Time” about the Lakers and Jerry Buss. Farrell wanted (or thought he had) the part of Jerry but McKay picked Reilly. Supposedly Reilly didn’t know that Farrell had been interested and it’s unclear if those two are still friendly or not, but Farrell has some issues with McKay.

Teddy was the youngest (like nozzk pointed out). But 40s isn’t an anomaly.

Theodore Roosevelt (26). 42.88

John F. Kennedy (35) 43.65

Bill Clinton (42) 46.42

Ulysses S. Grant (18) 46.85

Barack Obama (44) 47.46

Franklin Pierce (14) 48.28

James A. Garfield (20) 49.29

James K. Polk (11) 49.33

I don’t know her 💅

I don’t feel like I’m “going off.” I replied to someone else that I think I must have clicked something within the post article as it was loading because I definitely read a totally different article than the one posted. I don’t blame you - I blame the post for their shitty mobile site and too many pop ups.


I don’t know her 💅

Going back, you’re right. But I definitely did not click the link from this comment, I was actively looking for someone to point out the page six quote. I will admit when I opened the post article I was tricked into clicking a pop up and went back so maybe I clicked a link within the post article??


I wasn’t there yet but my workplace once “gifted” everyone a raw potato. I guess the idea was for people to bring their favorite topping and have a baked potato bar but people found it insulting enough that no one did it. Now, years later, people still talk shit about the potato day and retirees are often mailed a potato on their last day.