They used to play Baraka in the chillout room at these rave parties I used to go to and it was the perfect thing for when you're pinging so hard you just need safety.

Hmmmm, I also have to wonder whether that's better or worse than whatever death I have in store.

Yeh, I feel you, but since there are no parameters on the coffin, I'd make it an extra large pillowy one and give myself sleep deprivation, and request the nitrogen-death option if I wasn't getting pulled back up. There's $100M at stake here and I feel there are ways to mitigate the horror.

Yass! I live in a completely rabies-free country, but I don't let that stop me. (Because it can lie dormant for decades, my anxiety reminds me.)

The sprayer shouldnt be too strong or it will def splash too much. It does take practice and experimentation with the hose pressure. I think there are different techniques and you just do what is easier for you.

Yes! I'm glad it apparently haunts other people as much as it has haunted me over the last few decades.

I just checked and it's an NDRI. Sorry you had a bad experience OP.

Someone very important had to sign off on legalization, so repealing the law would mean going against that person's decision. Doesn't seem likely...

KLIA 2 is such a shit airport to spend any time at all in. Nothing like KLIA main airport which is actually pretty nice.

My husband and I are in constant communication via several different apps even if one of us is traveling, so this is really weird to me.

Someone who accelerates and brakes abruptly over and over the whole ride like dude just let me walk the five kilometers.

I bought a big half-price bag of tortellini for $5 and a can of pasta pesto for ~$4 the other day so my partner and I actually are eating for $10, not counting the stove electricity and fuel used to go shopping.

He looked next to himself in the same direction he was already looking too. 😂

Ours gave us the option to do our own video tour. Ours is a small family-run REA though, they haven't tried to fuck us yet.

I take my kid to see her grandma on it all the time. Difference is she has a tablet for 12 hours of unbridled binge watching.

Face glitch as she turns towards the camera.

Had a 5-hour layover here once with a 6-month old kid. There's no decent food or coffee. It got really hot and crowded. Nowhere comfortable to sit. Hated life.

I’m also part-lizard and missing my natural habitat of the tropics, especially at this time of year. Thank you for the ray of light.