In a lot of states, electric bikes are not allowed on bike paths. Electric bikes have to be ridden with the flow of traffic. So I’m with the woman on this… And shame on you for calling her a Karen because she’s just protecting her family and others that are on a walking/actual bike path…. You have irresponsible children on electric bikes and you’re supposed to have a license when you’re driving an electric bike FYI…. Same rules apply with those damn scooters….

Using Black History Month as an excuse to act like that, it’s absolutely ridiculous. That just shows that you’re low class and the fact that you’re talking like that shows your low class… what has this world come to?

As somebody who worked for Honda for 10 years… Good luck, trying to find that car without a markup! Dealerships only get a handful of them a year it’s not like a regular Honda Civic…

I love her as a kitten 😂 she looks irritated asf as an “adult” 😂 like 🙄😒 why are you making me do this.. I hate photos. 😂 but either way she is a beautiful kitty!

No news as of yet! Honda actually about 3 1/2 months ago actually stopped producing a quite a bit of inventory. What app can I use to link the image that I have?

As somebody who worked for Honda for 10 years. Yes the Hrv is based off the Honda Fit. The factory in Mexico that was built and designed specifically for the redesigned 2015 Honda fit also pumps out the HRV. The HRV is literally just a Honda fit on steroids. I highly doubt that Honda will stop making the HRV for North America. The Hrv is going through a major overhaul for 2023 at least that was the projection last year. All I can pray for and say is I hope Honda doesn’t fuck up the HRV like they did the Honda Civic in 2012… 2013-2015.. god those where hard times selling those..

That’s all the wisdom! 😍😍 those eyes are STUNNING!!

I never knew much about Torres until I got my first one as a kitten. I rescued an infant maybe two weeks old three weeks old because it was sitting in a gutter. She was absolutely fine with just me! Less than two weeks later I adopted/rescued another kitten from a friend. I put my Torti (Ruby) in my kitchen so the other kitten could get acclimated. And even for a 4 to 5 week old kitten she was on a murderous rampage 😂😂 all the yowling and hissing this little girl made absolutely shocked me lol! They ended up being best friends! I’d post a pic but I don’t recall the name of the app lol

She look like a little Maine coon or Norwegian forest kitty! All that adorable fluff will fill in nicely when she gets back to being healthy! 😍😍 I wouldn’t be able to to let her go! 😍😍

Does she think this crocodile tears are gonna help her win? Lol like, fuck… I can put on a better show than that lol

Honestly, I would like to know where he got the stand 😅 that would solve all my neck problems 😂

Watching this come to life has been such an exciting experience.

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I would say dusty cause of the color of his super fluffy coat! 😍😍

You guys still have 2021 Civic inventory coming in?!