I'd like an LS3 C6 coupe with a 6 speed manual. I don't like the looks of the 7 and 8. And I don't want to spend that much money.

There's a pass about an hour south that tops out at 10K feet with a number of switchbacks. My C4 was a manual and it was pleasurable to flog it up that pass. The first time I did it I understood what the car was designed for.

I bought a 92 in 2010 for $7,300. I was 55. Had it for 10 years. Without question it is the most enjoyable car I've ever owned.

I'll be 70 next year. I'm considering buying another one for my birthday.

Christmas mid 90's. My oldest was 3. Money was tight and I felt it constantly. I was tying the cheapest tree we could find to the top of our rusty Toyota. My son was "helping" me. An older man came over and said "You are a wealthy man." I tear up even now as I type this.

60 something

You are copping out. I'm genuinely interested. If you don't share link you are the one spreading propaganda.

60 something

Please provide a link on what Fox news is saying.

60 something

In my early 40's I realized I was a sour, surly person and needed to change. I'd heard about faking it until you make it. So I started faking being happy. It was absurdly obvious. But I kept at it. After a year or so I realized I was genuinely happy.

BTW just today I heard someone say "Gratitude is the key to optimism." I couldn't agree more.

60 something

Was her name Susan Mauldin?

60 something

Hanging out with him always broadens my horizons. He constantly learns, listens carefully, and asks questions that help me understand more deeply because I have to craft a meaningful answer. Oddly it is never a burden to answer.

He also thoroughly enjoys life and sees wonder in everything.

60 something

My friend has won awards for games he invented. He patented a valve that stops helium and is now an industry standard. You'd never know any of this in day to day interactions with him.

I (69m) love it too. My wife made me a costume and since we live in a rural area I wear it to a small Renaissance Festival every year.

On my bikes the front brake is on the left. I think this is the standard for the U.S.


If it were me I'd try loosening the cable a bit. I do this on all my bikes.

One time I took my bike to the shop for work and they did me the "favor" of tightening up the front brake as long as I had it in. I didn't think to check it. I did a panic stop and up ended the bike and in turn punched the pavement with both hands. This resulted in radial head fractures on both arms. It took months to heal. Lesson learned. This was 19 years ago and I still ride and love it. But, I sure keep that front brake in proper adjustment.

Edit: I just had another thought. It is as if I have my front brake adjusted so that it is like an anti-lock brake on a car.

If it is from braking too hard with the front brake, loosen the cable for the front brake. Not too loose since he still needs to use it to stop. He'll want to experiment a bit to get it right.

Nice bike by the way.

Note: After getting the front adjusted be sure to check that a bike shop doesn't tighten it back up if he takes it in for a tune up.

Bligh recorded the route he took and the Admiralty used those charts until the 1930's. In addition he navigated Cook up the coast of North America into Alaska and made charts. Personality aside, he was an excellent navigator.

60 something

Not everyone wore denim. Polyester was huge. Possibly bigger than denim. Polyester suits and tuxedos with big lapels, obvious stitching, and textured fabric in wild colors were all the rage. Underneath was a polyester shirt that wicked the body odor so the whole world could enjoy. Some covered that up by smoking multiple packs of unfiltered Camel cigarettes. It was a smelly time.

I like your grandad. He understood underlying principles.

It's worth it to buy a good floor pump. My Blackburn is over 15 years old. I think it also has a lifetime guarantee.