Anon experienced being an active uncle and his reaction was not "I like being an uncle, let's continue this" but "I want to become a dad (and stop being an active uncle)".

What happens when someone knows the BS? Do they do an awkward "ha ha" or do they play along because they don't wanna be rude to the new boss? Has anyone come back after months/years and said they knew it was BS but humored you? Or perhaps didn't mind the time off from actual work maybe?

I wondered about the endgame as well. If textbooks were not available in braille or audio format, I doubt the case files/notes would. And if this country does not have disability laws (in practice) how would she navigate the court system (both literally and figuratively)? I don't except a bright future unfortunately.

Edit: And if the plan is to move to a western country, then won't a Turkish law degree be useless anyway?

Yes. In fact it's about a whole different lifestyle. Rich and free. Specially if someone is travelling the world, they must be (relatively) rich and free.

Green card weddings are so common it's actually sad.

It all seems so obvious, but many many people don't know it or just don't want to accept it, and keep paying money for the label, literally. Marketing is evil.

Edit: I have shown family members ingredient labels that prove that two products are exact copies, as confessed by the companies themselves (through that label) and yet they buy the more expensive ones because "it works for me better". I guess it's a sort of placebo effect.

The pair probably had a diopter setting which allows you to focus each eye separately (it allows you to account for the difference between your two eyes). Maybe you missed that? (Or maybe the pair did not have it? But I have seen even cheap $30 binoculars have that).

As far as I know, aphantasia has nothing to do with the optics of your eyes. It should have nothing to do with your eyes not focusing while using binoculars. Maybe you have some eye-related disorder on top of aphantasia?

I wonder why this does not turn people off from going to those stores, or to the activity of shopping entirely (if every store does it)? I dislike physical shopping, and only go when I must, and then it drains a lot of energy (possibly for the reasons mentioned). So why don't other people have the same response? Why do they experience this confusion and go "that was fun, I will do it again next week!"?

Kinda cool marketing. And I hate ads. (Yes, even the guerilla ones, which this article/post could be.)

Sounds like they typed it into the wrong chat window (or the completely wrong computer/phone). Their intended recipient was probably someone else.

Can you elaborate please? How can google ban an external site from posting anything?

If any social media company deleted lying or misinformation posting accounts that were not specifically spreading hate-speech, they will go bankrupt very fast.

That's what happened to Orkut.

You say that because you have a 5 year old account?

Its something I wonder daily. But it's a bittersweet relatiinship. Can't (or don't want to) leave it.

Their comment was offensive to people who get offended by everything. You need to think of them too!

Such a basic and simple question (that I was thinking too, and was gonna post if no one else did). Why did it get 350 downvotes lol?

In some (maybe all?) cases it would be cheaper to mail them a prepaid envelope so they can mail you the ticket, even after factoring in the wages of the employee who will seal and mail the envelope (who could actually be an unpaid intern).

The spirit of ogling topless teenagers...

Looks like cockroach is back on the menu boys!

Was that test considered complete and comprehensive? Even though 137 sounds like a big number, surely nature has more than 137 compounds. So how do they choose the 137? Also, in OP's picture, it looks like they selected a bunch of uncommon stuff, like even if I am allergic to beech, whatever that is, do I care? Do I come into contact with it on a regular enough basis? And why did they not test for jalapenos?

Edit: I am thinking this probably depends on the country/area of the hospital. Like in some countries people don't have pet dogs and no one would go out and purposefully touch/pet a wild/stray dog (who is not yet killed by animal control). So there wont be a need for testing for dog allergies I assume. Even then, how do they short list the compounds? I doubt the patient is keeping a log of everything they touch in a month...

But you often see incomptenet managers leading a team of competent individuals? The competent individuals don't all get promoted (and many stay in the same role and perform competent work, because despite not being promoted, they actually like the work and pay).

Edit: Also, the now incompetent manager was perhaps once a competent worker. It's just that earlier they were working on a few specialized tasks, but after the promotion they have to become a jack of all trades (and master of none). I have seen this happen. This is anecdotal of course, but I assume a lot of corporations are like this?