Puluhan kali indo udah sering kena data breach. They should have learned that a long time ago. This one is just way too costly for a mere wake up call.

The one who stayed in the server the longest usually has yellow text in chat. I don't know if they can kick player though

Having so many close wins with goals scored in injury time must have instilled something in the Madrid players' mentality. Winning in the dying minutes is no longer a surprise but it's inevitable and to be expected. Basically it became self-fulfilling prophecy.

At least you have european football and I can bet that once in a while there'll be generational talent (or at worst just decent player) born somewhere in Slovenia that can play for Madrid. See Norway (ranked 44, not far from Slovenia) yet they have generational talent in Haaland, and near that level is Ødegaard. Some player from older era like allon D'or winner, Stoichkov from Bulgaria (now ranked 81), Denis Law from Scotland, even George Best from Northern Ireland. Decent players from obscure countries deserve a shout as well. Players like Jari Litmanen (Finland), Henrikh Mkhitaryan (Armenia), Edin Dzeko (Bosnia), Khvicha Kvaratskhelia (Georgia), etc. Hell, even Keylor Navas from Costa Rica (not Europe but still LatAm is just as good) is the starting GK of Madrid for many years.

Indonesia on the other hand, is literally on the wrong side of the world for football. Sure there's a lot of football fan here in SEA region, but the talent development is almost non existent. The greatest ever player from this region is Paulini Alcántara, seventh most goal scored for Barca, who's not even pure Filipino and represented Spain as well as Catalonia aside from his short Philippines stint. That was a hundred years ago and no player from this region can achieve a quarter of his level and achievement. Sorry for this wall of text lol, just want to complain about the horrible state of football in my country and how I actually envious of you or literally any other country in Europe and LatAm in terms of football culture and talent development.

Should I buy a brand new shoe just for this occasion? I have a lot of formal shoes in home, but being the idiot I am, forgot to bring it when it's the most needed.

Fuck the event is at night. Should I buy new shoes just for this one off event?

Even if I want someone from my country to play for Madrid, it seems really impossible as my country is kinda shit in football. (Indonesia is ranked on 134 FIFA)

He started the play and ended it with a goal. Masterclass.

Gil Manzano blew the whistle when the ball is in the air before Bellingham scored a goal then red carded him afterward for dissent. Sure he's a Madrid fan!

This thing can single handedly clear an objective on its own, far from being the worst. Sturmtiger on the other hand is so damn slow, it takes ages to reach the frontline and the reload speed makes you want to kill yourself.

I was invited to attend an event by foreign embassy to celebrate their native new year. The dress code is business attire or batik long sleeves. I intend to wear batik, but I forgot to bring my formal shoes as I have to take a flight to Jakarta. Do you think it's okay for me to wear casual/sporty shoes (black and white adidas xplrboost)? The event will be held at an upscale hotel in Central Jakarta. This is my first time to be invited at such an event so I'm not really sure if it's allowed.

What does this comment imply? I don't understand

Barca celebrated their league title win in front of Espanyol home crowd, which is being relegated in the 22/23 season after that match. This instigated Espanyol fans to rush in anger toward the still-celebrating Barca squad into the tunnel

Lmao okay that excuse is so funny. Whatever floats your boat then

That wouldn't be controversial if that idiot Tebas implemented goal line technology. So yeah incompetence. You previously said La Liga refs, now 90% of UCL refs are also Madrid fan huh? How convenient that the competition which hate Madrid (and Perez) due to Super League proposal, Ceferin (President of UEFA) has beef with Madrid as well, suddenly always support Madrid in UCL. Crazy huh.

Even if we follow your logic that La Liga refs favour Madrid, how come Madrid only won 2 league titles in the last decade.

You haven't adressed this point either.

Yeah I agree, that's why i put 'one of'. Brazilian ronaldo is another monster, already has veteran level goal tally at such young age that it's almost impossible to be replicated by other player.

Ronaldo without that freak 2014 injury will still be one of my greatest what if. He suffered that injury and forcing his body through it to play at the WC, further damaging his knee yet he still broke so many records afterwards.

When you play so many hours, using meta guns will no longer be fun. So you opt to use these quirky gun even if it makes you at a disadvantage simply because it's more fun

Madrid got unfavourable calls as well, with the obvious bad calls cost them 6 points this season. Even if we follow your logic that La Liga refs favour Madrid, how come Madrid only won 2 league titles in the last decade. La Liga refs is just incompetent.