I don't know why you're being down voted. I like your line of questioning.

I hope you brush your teeth. The acid can destroy your tooth enamel.

Gimme a Newsome/AOC ticket please.

Uh, he's actually way more alive than both of them.

Underated comment.

Most people are at least decent.

The assholes are loud on line and go to rallies.

Unfortunately, After last night, I'd say debate performance matters.

A lot.

I agree with everything stated, but the idealist in me really wants her to run despite all of these points made.

I didn't think Barack had a chance. I didn't think Don had a chance.

I would LOVE for Alex to get a shot. I think she would smoke every opponent in debates.

Damn. That's 80's af. I completely forgot about that horrible, terrible, very bad, no good meal.

Thanks for the clarification.

Great ideas, but I definitely would not include painting with the others. Painting well is a highly developed skill, art, and science.

I'm sorry, you lost me with SOS. The scouring pad? Sauce On the Side? What are you referring to please?

It's making me feel crazy inside.


Can I borrow said time machine, pay you when I get back!

Isn't that just a tad extreme?

I'm a man.

I feel like I matter.

a lil.

Vicky Bakery on the north west corner of Southern Blvd and 441 in Royal Palm. They have fresh squeezed oj.

Not to mention the coffee, and the pastries are pretty fire as well if you have a sweet tooth.

This is awesome!

I'm so happy for you and your family!

You and they, deserve you at your best, and you are doing that! Be super proud of yourself!

I just ran for the first time in years this morning.

I was already there, but you just "locked in" tomorrow mornings run with this inspirational story.

I'm proud af of you internet friend!


This is so dope to read. I finally got out of the house for a walk at 3:3o this morning. I ended up running for the first time in about 10 years.

I'm excited to continue tomorrow morning.