Trust me, as soon as there is any news of them being back in the studio we will all know.

We were getting weekly reports from the moment Adam let slip they were back writing for FI until the day it was released. The later ones with the leaked riff from descending looped in the background collating all the tweets, posts and news.

More of a uniform, or wearing your colors

No, its cos theyre made out of stainless steel which doesnt rust.

Its the UK mate. The only cars here that dont have rust issues are fucking Delorians.

Maybe everyone else has said they dont want to work with that band and thats why you keep getting booked together?

Perhaps youre the only band that hasnt said no thanks yet.

The first time I tried DMT it was some other guys vape pen thing. Not sure which type but you just scooped powder in.

Fucker was babying me and not giving me a big hit.

After being disappointed with the first trip he loaded it up again.

I sucked on that fucker soo fucking hard on the third hit that I sucked some molten DMT through the pen and onto my tongue.

The trip was stronger this time but it felt like I had licked a 9v battery the whole time.

I leave two or three dew collectors running at home. Water filter mod on the helmet so I take the murkys with me for drinking if I run out of coffee. Water from the dew collectors I use for cooking so I dont have to have a second fire boiling tons of murky water.

I have an NRG and there is zero play.

Because the original stereo doesnt have an aux in, or bluetooth, or any other way of playing music off your phone.

Or in my case when I crashed with my phone in my trouser pocket and the lapbelt snapped it in half on me.

Plus he has the fear that he wont ever come down. He thinks this is it for him now, tripping balls until his inevitable end.

Nah its meant to bring you down.

Thats why earlier in the song he sings "after calming me down with some orange slices and fetal spooning"

Wrong gen for the Del Sol. Thats an EK/EJ. Del Sol was EG chassis

I was impressed when she looked like she was going to ditch it in a field in a controlled manner.

Making it back to the strip and landing sweet......blown away.

Dont forget to add in all the industrial processes needed to create the various materials, nutrients etc, etc

When do they show up? Ive yet to encounter one

Its when you get the same advisories over a few tests that alarm bells start ringing for me

Yeah, a full album is a bit much, maybe scale it back to one song

He must be training hard. Theres one clip in there from when he was younger and he looks skin and bone and is moving all awkward. Another clip where he isnt as bad but still really thin and has a bandage around his elbow.

Guy will be on a strict diet and training program to get him in that condition. His joints will probably give out first, with the extra leverage his limbs have.