You are 100% right or 100% wrong. My former boss could be an asshole at work but then I met his wife and was like “oh she is the asshole that makes him treat me like an asshole”

I grew up having to listen to Sinatra. I could sing that shit drunk too.

Ugh im too old and young that I’m assuming you mean Billie Holiday but it could also mean Billie Eilish.

Yes, “Strange Days”, (and hes great even though he isnt the bad guy, just Juliette Lewis’ new boyfriend) “Alien: Resurrection”, “Metro” “Nope”. Just a fantastic actor with a unique voice that doesn’t have leading man qualities. Would have been great in any of the modern Shakespeare adaptations.

I listened to that on cd so many times and cannot name one song. The whole thing is a sonic bludgeoning. Its just an experience.

I played Division 3 baseball (we sucked) and for 3 years my coach brought in some ‘freshman recruit’ to take my spot at shortstop. All of them dropped out within their freshman year. We even had a catcher recruit that had a middle aged “servant” and that guy practiced harder than the kid. Most teenagers that receive praise do not handle it well.

I literally have my dash cam uselessly sitting on my center console bc the suction cup doesnt work so i need to get velcro so your post is going to motivate me to do that today. I currently have no bumper on my totaled CR-V (perfectly functional even the hatch just that the repair was estimated as more than the worth of the car) from getting rear ended by a drunk kid on SSP in stand still traffic. And as someone else mentioned earlier you are one of the kindest and most helpful people on this sub, so sorry that this happened to you.

I fly to select locations, fill up a gas can and fly it back to NY. Instant profit/side hustle.

Yep, I had a 1/2’ wrench that was perfect for skateboard wheels and it was confiscated when i had it in my carry-on simply because I didnt want to risk losing it in my checked luggage 🤦🏼‍♂️

The bell tolling when Chase realizes

Yeah, I have an album of theirs but don’t, like, keep it visible.

I especially dislike Snarky Puppy because I like the music of Skinny Puppy (see my username) but also dont think its a good name bc I avoided listening to an album of theirs for about 20 years.

Goo Goo Dolls do regret their name. I know a guy who worked with their manager and they refer to themselves as the Goos.

I always thought muppets were lame when I was a kid but my gf loves them. So at the age of 40, she got me into the Muppets and I can say that Kermit is now my favorite actor.

This person is talking on a bigger general scale like an elephant compared to a squirrel. Cats and dogs are actually pretty comparable in lifespan and it really depends on indoor/outdoor urban/rural so it would be hard to come up with a solid “average” since its easier to own a cat.

And, the best part is that ants dont even need to wear pants.

Giamatti has a monologue in Lady In The Water that makes me cry (also fantastic in the recent Holdovers)

Search online for pics of other peoples tattoos and get ideas for the design for your artist, there are plenty. Honestly, if I had to choose a movie/music type thing to get a tattoo of it probably would be from this movie. Brandon was going to be a huge star- the Wachowskis said they wrote the part of Neo with him in mind. And yes, I’ve seen the movie countless times yet cried a few times seeing and hearing it in the theater.

The theater setting really made it for me. I was 11 when it came out and I saw it in the theater and really didn’t know much about the technical aspects of filmmaking and this was really great to watch on a larger scale. The music and the score was just so much more affecting. Didn’t bring tissues. Should’ve.

I’ve seen the movie so many times and I can basically recite all the dialogue from memory and it didn’t occur to me how much I was going to cry!

Lol, I’d believe it. I have my grandfathers catchers mitt from that time and it was barely a mitt. No way those guys were throwing like they do today…except Paige apparently.

I just hate when I have to recommend Liquid Swords (bc its one of my fav albums) to people that hate rap and want me to recommend an album/artist and I have to say explain its not spelled with a J

Yeah my gf and I were in a room with a few other couples and I was really fucking her mouth. I’m just average but she is very petite and could take it all the way. Eventually the other couples just started watching us like they were impressed with her skills so we just figured ‘Ok lets show them what else we do’. Its was one of the funner experiences we shared.