The real answer is he has 800hrs on the ps4 version and probably just recently upgraded

This is every Eminem song since like 2003 lol

Tbh I’m not really following the controversy until more information is released. Just seems like people are jumping to conclusions off vague accusations. I must’ve just read someone say on Reddit she’s 17.

It’s not over, if what he’s accused of is true and he did nothing more he will be labeled a creep, lose some fans and continue on streaming. If Kobe can get away with rape and be beloved I think people with forget a streamer messaging a 17yo.

Really tells you a lot about Reddit when you guys get so sensitive about weight stuff lol. If you don’t think this picture is funny and cringe it’s probably because you look the same. The term nazi is used way too often, none of you have met any so stop with the fake badass bs

Some people hate trump so much they’ll convince themselves anything 😂

Izzy better retire before these mfs come to ufc

He’s just corny, he tried to do a whole horror/comedy/ rap thing but it just didn’t work. He was trying to be edgy in an era that saw ofwg and other hipster acts blow up but he just came across corny as hell.

I call bs on that, even Reddit seems to be making fun of Biden after the debate and there’s been nothing but nut hugging and propaganda on here for months

lol Reddit is way too liberal, this isn’t rad it’s just trashy. And yes I believe abortion should be legal.

Maybe they just wanted to kill all the rat catchers because they know the secret tunnels too well

Reddit absolutely hates trump lol it’s pretty cringey how blatantly biased it’s become

Why even hold press conferences for wnba if they can’t even act professional for a 10 min interview

Lmao agreed, but pretty sure they don’t want us to have guns either. Sort of a big part of it.

He is corny lol I grew up on em and this new song has some nostalgia to it but this isn’t going to last. If you are sitting there listening to this song daily you are either old and just love Eminem or your corny and just like bad music lol