Would you be willing to pay with your private metadata instead of money?  

The new Loop components feature is surprisingly poorly thought out

No.  Any new candidate would be susceptible to rumor and the truth would not spread until after the election 

Late to the Autarchy

Social media breeds antisocial behavior.  This subreddit is a great example of one of the ways it manifests

Biden answered the questions asked of him and provided viewers with ideas about his future policy.  Trump ignored every question and instead went on short form rally rants.  I easily fact checked what the candidates were saying because I’m informed. 

Dictator can’t even get anything done though.  Where’s the wall?!  

THE IDEA that malarkey is being said

Dude.  wtf are you talking about?  Trump couldn’t even answer the questions.  

Baloney.  It’s Trump causing this particular animosity.  I watched him walk right off the stage after the debate, without his wife!  Biden’s wife came out, and they talked with the moderators and shook hands 

This is so right.  At one point Trump tried to change the law through a tweet.  Remember that?  I member

You think the presidency is just one guy who dictates everything?  It’s the most important job in the world, the president SHOULD have many aides helping to run the show.  The president SHOULD NOT be able to make a tweet that changes the law

Bullshit.  Trump couldn’t even remember the questions enough to answer them.  Trump lost by being mentally incapable of staying on topic