Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

It took me two weeks to write a personal statement for my PTSD claim when I filed last month. Got out in 2011, never looked back, but didn’t move forward. Never talked about it to anyone except my brother, and he’s since passed. So writing down those incidents literally opened up feelings that had been flashes, dreams, triggers and turned them into constant anxiety and sweating and insane irritability (ask my partner…she’s noticed, but I’ve never talked to her about my service). I’m going into the VA for a MH eval on Monday to get a head start while I wait for my claim to play out, but I can tell you it’s normal, it’s serious, and it’s good that you’ve noticed. Be honest on your claim, let everything out, and then go do something else (healthy-ish) to ease some of those feelings.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

Man. I’ll update my experience here on Monday after I get my assessment. I assume that’s just going to be questions to set a baseline, but these perspectives have me a little concerned.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

What?!? Only the brightest and the best, eh? Can’t wait to hear what they say about a CT scan on my brain (assuming they even give me one for my TBI).

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

So you’re telling me to take the CTA…Roger. lol Well, that sucks. Have you tried Hines? I’m Logan Square area, so it’s a bit of a trek, but I’d prefer a quality health care team over a better commute.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

I’m establishing care at Jesse Brown on the next two Mondays…MH and PCP. Other than what you’ve mentioned, how’s your experience been with JB? I’ve been impressed so far because I got appointments so quickly, but I’m curious about the level of care. I’m trying to expedite my claims (ha!) by getting the VA to give me diagnoses and hoping they can at least get me started on the road to repair.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

But you’re right…. It’s a long process whichever route. My disability claim went in on May 15, I’m sending in my upgrade request on Monday. It’s going to be a fun race to see who finishes first…my DAV rep said initial disability claims are taking 8-12 months right now, and the DRB says they’re averaging about 12. I’m racing the 15 year cutoff for GI Bill benefits and hoping for positive outcomes in both requests/claims.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

It’s a process that I’m going through currently. You first go to the Discharge Review Board if you got out in the last 15 years. If you go right to the BCMR, they will tell you to first go to DRB. If DRB denies your request, or it’s been over 15 years since separation, you can then go to BCMR. Work on one at a time.

Infantry still has the exclusive cool guy badges. What finance specialist has an EIB or CIB? Being an infantryman still means the same thing…civilians don’t know shit about it, and everyone else in the military that isn’t infantry doesn’t care. We all have jobs, and just about all of them suck.

King of Battle to the King of Clean! Hooah! Glad to see another redleg that’s had the self-realization.

…But there’s always avalanche mitigation in the winter months…

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

He’ll probably need to go DRB (DD 249) first since it’s less than 15 years from separation. BCMR is for older records and appeals if the DBR refuses to change it.

One of the readers of this article didn’t pick up on very obvious context clues from the previous sentences.

Is it unclear who that above sentence might be referring to by using context?

It’s a preference. Nothing more. It works for some people (hence many of these answers), and for some it doesn’t. Personally, I wore moisture wicking long sleeves under my full battle rattle in Iraq, and it didn’t bother me any more than being in a combat zone. Other guys in my unit hated the feeling, and only wore their t-shirts underneath. Now I wear the same type of material under my pads for hockey. Does it make me feel hotter? No…but it might make some feel that way. That said, the science behind it is valid, but some people don’t like them because it makes them feel hotter. In the end…wear what feels comfortable to you…nobody else’s opinion matters.

Just you and your mind and Lake Shore Drive, tomorrow is another day And the sunshine's fine in the morning time, tomorrow is another day

When they sent my lease renewal, it just had “RBP” as a line item. Asked them what it was, and they replied with what comes with that $40. I went line by line: credit reporting, don’t need it, already get it; AC filters, don’t need it, we don’t have central AC; “access to app,” illegal because you can’t charge to pay rent/file maintenance requests. They pushed back and said they’d have to get it approved by their management and finally did. I basically refused to sign the renewal unless they could prove the benefits we’d receive. The biggest bargaining chip for us was not having central AC. Even the website for the benefits package they use touts it as the biggest “benefit.” For $40/mo, you get $30 worth of AC filters. That website literally coaches property managers how to legally bilk tenants out of more money, so I used it against them.

Unpopular opinion, but they are the cops of the real estate market. Property owners (the wealthy) don’t respect them, they only use them and “support them” to be insulated (protected) from the tenants (poor people), and tenants don’t respect the property managers because they get constantly harassed and nickel and dimed. Nobody likes them, and so they have to hang out with each other and have their own circle jerk clubs. Fuck ‘em.

If it’s Fulton Grace, they’re awful and I make it my mission to do everything I can to eat into their profits and exercise my tenant power (Chicago is very tenant-friendly) to make their work less fun. That said, they tried that shit on my latest lease in addition to raising rent well above market rates for my neighborhood. Similar situation…their “benefits” package provided zero benefits and I pointed it out to them and firmly asked that they remove it. They did, shockingly, but they still suck butt.

Not entry level, unemployed since September ‘23. Last time the economy was this bad, I fucked around and joined the army. 1/5, would not recommend.

Fake it til you make it. And also, corporate America isn’t honest with you, why be honest with them? Congrats on the new job, hold on to it for dear life.

Funeral homes as well. My brother was late to his own burial. Ironically, we always said that he would be, but they really made it happen for him.

Neat. You’re replying to a post that’s two weeks old. We’re talking about one aspect of a large piece of enterprise-level software. Specifically the ATS function. Workday is not even top 3 in that space according to multiple, easily searched respected sources. Writing what you wrote indicates you prefer to speak out of your ass two weeks after relevance. Why don’t you spend more time creating endless accounts in workday instead of going through old posts looking to stir shit up with your ignorant takes?

If you’re going all the way to Austin, go some place nearby that’s better. Franklin’s ain’t near what it used to be.

Look at the ride1up roadster. It’s easy to walk past and not see it’s an ebike. And the gates belt on the gravel edition is niiiiice.

Best to assume it was the gentleman who pissed himself lying on the ground surrounded by people.

Army Veteran :rsz_105front_1k_17:

I just posted, but I did my initial claim a day before you and went into evidence gathering the same day as you. Also been out for over a decade. You think they move faster for vets like us?