Are you drunk? He's first ballot, without a doubt. Literally no one is arguing that.

Agreed. That's why he's Jonathan Toews and you and I are on reddit. Haha.

I'm from Winnipeg, and know a number of people close to him. Apparently, he still really wants to come back, assuming he's 100% healthy.

In my opinion it makes no sense. He's won World Juniors, Olympic Gold, Stanley Cups, Conn Smythe and Selke Trophies, multiple time all-star, World Cup winner and $115 million in career earnings... I mean, he's a hall of famer. Nothing left to prove.

Forget about it. It's Chinatown, er, Winnipeg.

Tons of coyotes this year. I've shot two in our yard after our dog was nearly killed this spring. Not sure why Province isn't getting under control.

Have you tried lubing up the exhaust and making sure the airbox is topped up with antifreeze? I'd start there.

Agreed. The two year expiry mitigates some risk here. I think Columbus is also trying to lessen their amount they cover as well due to this.

I actually dont listen to their show solely because of his dumb fucking annoying voice.

Sounds like a Kids in the Hall sketch. Guy steals a cyber truck, then keeps getting called a douche as he drives through town.

I was at a work event recently and Caspain Construction was the title sponsor. Absolutely amazing these guys still have zero shame.

Edit: another side note, Caspian dude and slick Sammy often golf together at Glendale to this day. Absolutely unbelievable they just completely own it and don't give a shit.

I know Nikki from when I was a kid. She was a conniving slim ball then. Wasn't shocked at all she went into politics.

Agreed. Twice a day is rookie numbers.

Unbelievably classy of him amongst all the joy of finally winning, to give Winnipeg a shout out in his interview.

I'm pretty sure his daughter still lives here. I could be wrong. But sort of nice to see someone not bail on our city.

Also. My new pet peeve is who the hell cuts the grass on boulevards anymore? It's actually embarrassing driving through town. Looks like we live in an abandoned town.

Honestly just call a few credit unions and banks directly. Have a packet of info with net worth, tax returns and appraisal on house.

Lenders prefer dealing direct, and tell them you are just comparing a few places to ensure a sharp rate. I've beat what brokers provide.

Keep in mind brokers are getting a kick back. They aren't doing this out of the goodness of their heart. It's worth your time inquiring. I went to Acess CU who beat what the broker at the time had, and they also have one of the highest variable rates in the country. And the bonus they've paid out on my mortgage and savings has covered any fees. I've been impressed.

I dunno. I think I'm honestly taking 2024-2025 off and if they make a run, I'll be cheering and join in. Changes thus far are nice, but not game changing. Time will tell..

For my family and friends it's been 13 years of season tickets, a lot of money, and really only 1 good run in that time. Time to spread the money around to some other events.

More money. It never ends with the first nation's. They want to tax us into oblivion until we have nothing and fund their entire lifestyle.

Love this place. Owner is a young guy, super nice.

I was waiting in there a few weeks back and a door dash guy comes barging in. Super rude, yelling at staff etc. The owner took him off to the side and said hey you can't talk to my staff that way. Be nice, or leave. Was very impressed with his handling of it.

Weirdest dude ever owns that place. I remember I went to one of his other locations like 10 years ago before a trip to Cancun. The guy seemed overly friendly with female staff, was trying to serve everyone there wine.. like just an odd vibe. People were running in and out, not tanning, he'd serve them wine, and off they'd go..

Then he started complaining to me about running a business and how finding staff that won't steal from him is super hard. I was just like, dude, I'm just looking for a base tan so I don't burn...

This is a business that Amazon has simply crushed. And honestly Amazon does it better. I can order any of that stuff, for less, and have it tomorrow on my door. I don't even need to leave the house.

Or you can pay more, drive to the mall, and have some awful sales guy hassling you.

He's proven at his last 3 teams that he doesn't have the stuff.

Ultimately, he's going to make a great analyst, commentator, or marketing guy for one of the teams., but it's clear his days in F1 are over very soon.

Edit: Jesus everyone calm down.