Yes, YouTube is a wonderful resource for sure! I guess I’ve been sleeping on true van builds since I’ve been focusing on DIY builds for SUVs, I haven’t really seen anyone using anything but wood lol! No reason I can’t apply van build methods on a small scale though!

At this point in my life, I’m more of a car camper. I have the opportunity to spend the rest of the summer living and travelling in my Escape, so I’m modifying my set up to be more efficient for longer-term use and a wider variety of settings.

But when I graduate from college, living in a van will be an asset to my career. I’m fortunate enough that it’s a choice I can make, rather then a necessity! I can take my time with the process, but I’m always keeping my eye out for a unicorn (right vehicle for the right price lol).

I can see that you DM’d me but nothings there when I open my inbox; I’ll be home later today and I can check on my laptop!

I’ll look into dimensions etc. and put together some sketches either today or tomorrow :)

I’m not sure how much “vanlife” stuff I can use realistically speaking. I am trying my best to keep cost as low as possible and make do with what I have/what I can put together cheaply.

Honestly, you don’t really even need “vanlife stuff” anyway. I used to go tent camping, so when I first started out I exclusively had “tentlife stuff” lol. Literally just the most basic essentials you need to exist, half comfortably. (But RIP to my tent, taken out too soon by an extremely violent storm).

But obviously there’s a difference between a tent and an SUV, bug/climate control being the biggest difference imo. Privacy, too. Some vanlife stuff just makes sense, it’s designed to improve QOL when you’re living in a vehicle, but it’s not really essential.

IME, you can save a ton of money when you DIY or buy secondhand. Like my screen door as big mesh and magnet set up cost me $12, and it’s served me just fine so far. I’m only looking to modify it because I have the opportunity to spend the rest of the summer living and travelling in my car, so I’m improving my set up to make it more efficient for longer-term use.

Most of the pre-made bug nets are made for normal sunroofs but since mine is a “panoramic sunroof” I’ll probably have to use two just to make it wide enough to cover the width of the opening.

That’s probably the most efficient route to take! Like if my imaginings end up costing more than 2 pre-made bug nets, obviously it’s not the ideal option. And to be totally honest, sometimes DIY isn’t worth the cost savings. It can be a gigantic PITA. But just in case, if in the future you want to improve anything, you’ll have some sketches to help inspire you :)

I’m hoping that between having enough power capacity for my rechargeable fans, making/finding a sunroof net, and having the styrofoam cooler AC that someone else recommended I should be fine.

What kind of power source are you working with? And are you going to be spending a lot of time away from “amenities”, like boondocking etc.? That definitely limits options, the challenge can be fun but also straight up annoying at times lol

Disregard this if you’re not primarily relying on your car, but for safety’s sake I feel obligated to make sure to say: if you’re using your car to run electricity/charge things, try to make sure to do it while you’re driving. Otherwise, it’s hard on the battery, not to mention the fact that you risk draining it and getting stranded!

Anxious people are nervous, you can be nervous without feeling anxious. These states are stress responses.

I never considered Temu for hardware, that’s an amazing tip!! Thank you!

Did you use EA for framing everything rather than wood? That’s really intriguing, I’m going to look into that for sure! As soon as I’m done writing this comment, I’m going to check out your profile to see if you have any progress pictures, I’d love to see this process!

ETA: do you have any social media where you’re documenting this? Only if you’re comfortable sharing, ofc! I’m so curious!

Hot air does rise, and using fans to help move it along is even more efficient!

I also have an SUV, and the window on my back hatch can open so my current set up is: mesh over back window and sunroof, both are open. I use a fan at the hatch to blow (usually) cooler outside air across the length, and another small fan directed up at my sunroof to “push” it out.

It’s pretty effective as it is, but if you can install a fan to “suck” hot air out, it’s even better! That’s a huge reason why rooftop fans are so popular in van builds :) it really does help, even if you can’t create a “cross draft”. I don’t think you’d want your whole sunroof open since that might reduce the pull the fan has, but I could be wrong about that!

I feel you on the privacy shades though, if I’m ever in a place where there’s other people and I have to open my back window, I have a specific set up to maintain my privacy/safety but still get my cross breeze. It’s annoying though, which is why I’m doing the sunroof fan!

I’m sure there’s a way you could customize it to suit your needs best! If you’re comfortable telling me what kind of car you have, I could throw together some sketches of ideas I have so you can have the best of both worlds? Or PM or to me if you’re not comfortable posting it!

I’m driving a 2010 Escape, I’ve promised myself that any new vehicle I get has to at least be newer than what I’m driving now lol

But when I was trying to decide what type of van I wanted, I talked to a few different mechanics to get some feedback about common issues, costs etc. Sprinters/Mercedes were like a swear word to them?? But a lot them also complained about any “newer” model I mentioned so I take that with a grain of salt lol.

Diesels can be great for sure, but I like to get vehicles that are wildly common. It’s pretty much a sea of Savanas and Econolines out there, so that’s the major deciding factor for me.

I’ve saved thousands by going to junk yards or scrappers for parts! Like I had to replace the back hatch on my Escape, I got an almost perfect condition door for under $400 CAD. I did the most damage to it when I was transporting it lol, I’ll buff the scratches out later hahaha

Do you have your van built out? Or you’re in the process of working on it? I’m jealous you have so much experience with a diesel, you’ll get a ton of longevity out of your rig for sure!

Does the sunroof open the whole length because wow 😍

If you don’t mind doing some DIY, you can pick up screen door mesh from any hardware type store. If they’re not quite wide/long enough, a few pieces should get you covered. Bonus: if you offset them, the holes will be even smaller!

I’ve been using magnets to keep mine up, then I started playing with the idea of sewing something thin and flexible around the perimeter so it’s more like the removable screens you see people use on their MaxxAir etc. rooftop fans.

But then I found this video and I’m just going to make that instead lol.

I wonder if you could do the same thing, but maybe have the fan bit at the front and mesh for the rest? That way you can either have the whole sunroof wide open, or only partially opened when you wanted to use the fan?

That’s so lovely of you! Do you mind if I PM you a more specific location?

It’s come down in some places, not so much in others. I was looking at GMC Savanas, a 2016 long with over 300,000 km (186,000 mi) is $20,000 CAD (15,000 USD).

A Transit is so far out of the question for me lol. Unless it has like 500,000 km or it’s rusted out, which I’ll have to pass on haha

No you may not. I tried a rock beach once, thinking it couldn’t possibly be worse than sand.

I was wading around, looking for cool stones when something slashed my foot open. I yelled to my friend for help and sat while I waited, holding my foot out of the water. Guess what invited themselves into my vagina while I was in this painful and undignified position?

If you guessed a million little pebbles, you’re right!

Since the cut was deep and wouldn’t stop bleeding, I went to emerg and got 6 stitches. I had to look a nurse in the eyes and ask what to do about the rocks inside of me. “Dig them out” she says.

So that’s what I did when I got home. For 2 days. Just like sand, you think you got it all but there’s somehow always more.

In conclusion, rock beaches are not superior. I may not have used it right, I can admit that. Wear shoes and don’t sit with your legs apart in the water. Fine. But the fact remains that these beaches are a lateral move, at best.

Not really, though.

There’s reciprocated interaction, even if it’s paid for. A parasocial relationship is someone who worships a celebrity/creator who isn’t even aware of their existence. You can pay a couple hundred dollars for a meet and greet, even a few times, but that’s not the same thing as paying someone to pretend you’re in a relationship with them.

Not to say either of them are exactly healthy behaviours, ofc.

But according to the other commenter, those people shouldn’t be criticized because there’s a market for it. And according to your logic, we can’t mention either of these groups of people since there’s even less ethical content on YouTube.

That’s silly, right? We can criticize all of these types of content creators, but in this specific comment chain, people are discussing these dudes because that’s the topic.

I’ll also point out that the holes and garbage they leave behind presents a risk to animals. Then a legitimate animal rescue channel can come save it. I’m sure some people will accuse them of setting it up because “where did that huge, clearly manufactured hole come from” and “why is there random garbage in the middle of a forest/jungle” and so on.

Thank you!

I didn’t realize you could search for Canada, there’s only one diplomate in Ontario (6 hours away 🫣) but that’s a good starting point!!

I appreciate your suggestion :)

Oh, sorry I can’t.

I’m not an early 20s student walking across campus to randomly start a dialogue with you, only to have you demand sources from me for a conversation I’m not prepared for so you can pretend that means I don’t know what I’m talking about.

Which is an automatic win anyway, since that means everyone is “too scared to approach you”, even though you famously ran away (twice) from debating someone who would actually be prepared and will call out your fallacies. Your dad told you not to.

Can you offer any advice or guidance for vet behaviourists in Canada/Ontario?

I’m a different person btw, but I’m noticing some potentially dominant/aggressive behaviours starting with my pup and I want to nip them in the bud ASAP.

I know it’s 3 days later but I finally remembered the style I was thinking of; it’s called “flippac”!

You can buy something pre-made but it doesn’t seem difficult to DIY (famous last words, amirite lol). If I had something like this, the topper section would be permanently welded to the truck so I could make a feasible passthrough between the back and the cab. Everything else would be removable for when I don’t need it.

Anyway, just thought I would share it in case you found it inspiring :)

This just in: different people have different opinions. More at 11.

Has it gotten better, worse, or remained the same since Ford took office?

You can absolutely buy cheap winter tires.

I never said you couldn’t, just that good tires aren’t cheap. Used tires are a whole different ballgame, they might be cheaper than new but good ones can still be a significant upfront cost.

if you are driving a lot in the winter it's just cheap insurance that can save either your life or someone elses. Doesn't take rocket appliances to know that it's the way to go.

I absolutely agree, if it’s realistic for someone to get winter tires, they should. Just like everyone should get collision coverage if they can afford it. It’s something that can completely change the outcome of an accident if/when one happens.

Go ahead and risk it if you want, I know people that do. Goodluck in heavy snow if you have shit tires.

I’m not talking about people who freely choose not to get winter tires because they don’t think they need them or they’re a gimmick or whatever. They are profoundly stupid and irresponsible, I agree.

I’m pointing out that winter tires aren’t realistic for everyone, and that doesn’t make them profoundly stupid.

if you can't afford them then you shouldn't have the car.

Not having a car isn’t an option for a lot of people. Cars don’t need winter tires to function, and they’re not mandated by law. They’re an optional safety feature.

We can think it should be mandatory all we want, but that’s not how it works so we’re stuck living in reality.

I know it sucks to be poor and not have money but if a car costs $15,000 it really costs $20,000 because you need to maintain it to a safe and effective level.

For sure. There are “hidden” costs when buying a car, things that are mandated by law that we have to do if we want a legal vehicle. Buying winter tires isn’t one of them.

but even legally you can't as poor vehicle maintenance leading to an accident will make you liable.

Yeah, things like fucked up brakes etc. will make you liable in an accident. Do you have an example where someone was held liable for improper maintenance of their vehicle because they didn’t have winter tires?

Safety devices aren't luxuries.

They shouldn’t be, and yet they are. Any safety device that isn’t required by law is optional. When safety features aren’t required, that means people who can’t afford them will forgo them out of necessity. Those “opt in” safety features are a luxury.

There's a lot of people who overspend $3000 on their car purchase but cheap on out $1000 worth of winter tires. That's stupid.

I agree that anyone who willingly overspends $3000 on their car is stupid. I don’t agree that people are being cheap if they can’t afford an extra grand for winter tires after buying a car.

Not buying winter tires is profoundly stupid

Well that’s melodramatic lol

the tires themselves don't cost extra,

Come on haha. For sure both sets of tires will last longer but that’s savings over time. You won’t magically find that money in your bank account when you have to cover the not-minor initial cost.

Good tires aren’t cheap. They’re big and take up room, if you don’t have space then storage costs have to be considered. If you don’t have the tools or skill/ability to change them yourself, that’s additional expenses.

You and I are fortunate that we consider them a necessity, winter tires are a luxury for a lot of people these days.

I can only speak for the Ontario-Michigan crossings, but it pretty much depends entirely on the person you happen to get, tbh.

They don’t usually make people open their campers up in the booth area, but if they want to take a quick peek just let them know it’s a bit tricky and offer to help them. Stay in the car until they ask you for help though lol.

If they’re in a less favourable mood, they might send you to customs for a genuine search. In that case, try to explain to an agent that it’s a PITA and you’d like to get it started for them. Don’t just do it; they don’t tend to like it when you muck around with your vehicle, especially unsupervised.

But you will likely be told to go inside while they search, so be prepared for that. They’re usually pretty good about not destroying things but they don’t always take the time to figure out how to properly open things etc. Make sure you remove any locks before you head to the border otherwise they just brute force it.

But just be friendly and answer their questions as directly as possible. Have all your windows rolled down, sunglasses off, passport ready and not in a folder thing. Sorry if you already know all this, only adding it in case you don’t or if someone else stumbles across this and finds it helpful!

Good luck :)

I’m also a millennial, and it absolutely baffles me to hear people my age shit talk “millennials” when they really mean GenZ lol. But I kind of get it, we’ve heard “millennials suck and are ruining society” for so long, I swear some people think millennial is a derogatory term for “the generation after mine” or something. I mean, we got blamed for so much shit that doesn’t make sense, I can see where the misunderstanding comes from.

Like apparently we’re responsible for the death of cable TV. We didn’t do shit to cable. Older generations made it what it was and then tore it down. Ffs, Netflix was a product of boomers, not even GenX. The death knolls of cable were already fading away by the time the oldest of millennials could even slightly impact its downfall. On top of that; why would we? In the beginning at least, streaming was superior to cable. Of course we wanted to benefit from it. Just like previous generations benefitted from the introduction of cable over radio etc.

Even for people who understand that millennials are a specific age group, I don’t understand blaming generations anyway. No matter what year you were born in, you were part of a wave that did things differently. Every new wave will adapt and respond to the culture they’re born into, that’s literally how we’ve gotten to the point we’re at today.

I’ve seen that tone-deaf video where a comedienne is mocking young people for not knowing how to address an envelope. It’s extremely ignorant because her generation is a huge reason why. Like the other commenter said, who’s responsible for not teaching them? And I’ll add on: who’s responsible for making this knowledge obsolete?

it's just kind of obnoxious that I keep seeing people my age completely, unironically shitting all over GenZ music, fashion, etc. and acting like these trends are incomprehensible and deplorable.

This is absolutely a defence mechanism lol. It is obnoxious, but it’s completely normal for older people to “not understand the youth” anymore. Society has advanced, for better or worse, and everyone reaches a point where they don’t keep up for whatever reason.

IMO, millennials are especially salty about this because it doesn’t mesh with our experience of what’s “supposed” to happen and when. Historically, there’s been a relatively clear line between “prime of life” and the descent towards “midlife crisis”. By the most extreme definition, the youngest millennials are turning 26 this year. In generations before us, you’d be well established by your late 20s. A “real adult” if you will lol. Except people in our generation are a totally mixed bag. Some of us are “where we should be”, and some of us are very fucking far from these seemingly arbitrary goals.

The ones in that position are “too young” to feel “this old” pretty much.

Good thing there’s other forms of evidence!

But seriously though, any video that presents someone in a terrible light that also has a ton of cuts isn’t reliable. Doubly so if there’s no context other than “watch x get owned!!1!¡!!”