You know when you finally grab the mike and belt out a tune, fans will flip-out. <3

911 centers have Demarcs that handle these cables.

Folks will gatekeep tracks these days because society has a tenacy to dislike it just for their own ego. Humans suck.

Yes, you are all wrong to be silent about genocide.

Hey, I finally heard "Sick" on the local Des Moines radio station. I had to pull over to the side of the road and jam. lol

Always carry pepper spray for asshats like that.

This guy is on a completely different level of guitar playing than me.

I completely concur. 💚🤍💓

I wonder if she would change her tune if billionaires got taxed appropriately? 🤔

This track epitomizes their total brilliance and experience over the last ten years. Professional production. <3

It's fluid for me though. 🤷‍♂️

Duane Johnson (The Rock) he's bobble-headed enough.

I hope when they make this new album, they sound like the first two again. js

Gen X as well almost boomer. This band is hitting just right IMO. Girl-bands are bringing back rock and roll and I'm here for it! 💖

Can we expect a gaming based video now? <3

It was using VPN that got me bumped, but they seem to be helping on an individual basis.

Nice. Probably rotate a few in and out as you change venues. 😍

Looking back over the years, I think Fair Warning the LP might just be their best. I know when it came out I thought so.