That’s why we need more trees. Developers keep shitting on us and deforest. Plant more trees and have fewer lawns

Good luck finding someone or some people to rent it out only 10 days in the month. Is he insured to rent his car out?

It also could be that they have something more complicated. You don’t know people’s circumstances

It’s also called 意大利薄餅 which is literally Italian thin bread and it doesn’t sound like “Pizza”

I don’t understand. Why can’t he just towel dry the bed?

Same here. Such a shame. Long ago, one of the excitements of air travel really was anticipating what the meals would be. It was often quite good and they had interesting combinations. Now, they’ve stooped so low to essentially offering you Door Dash grocery store delivery. 🙄

PhD, Anthropological Sciences

Almost never is there a graduate student dissertation project written into an advisor’s grant in social sciences or humanities. It doesn’t work that way in those fields.

Good to know a bit how it works in the sciences.

Crazy to ask. Solid NO. An excuse from one day? What? So other people wait for you. Either you’re in or you’re totally out.

Last thing I bought was a sandwich. I guess I can stuff people’s weapons with soggy bread. Lol

You know, downfall of Ukraine will bring great global instability as Russia becomes more and more an overlord. America doesn’t live on a planet of its own. To have a safe country, we need safe world

The OBX rising sea and storms issue is really horrifying.

I sometimes can’t help but imagine: Everyone is like he-man — all brawn and tough and individualist — until something really catastrophic comes along then it’s crying for mercy. Please.

Yeah, and I say that because there are people in wheelchairs who try to educate people like us that there are times or days when they are quite ambulatory and go about like you don’t think they have a disability. And then periods when they’re in a wheelchair for reason like a flare up causing pain and movement disability. I guess the thing is to extend grace as much as we can.

It’s very sweet. I do wonder though why a camera was already recording

I hate that phrase. I always retort, “So what is it, exactly?”

Oh wow. “Psyche” used in that way is definitely one I think I haven’t heard since the late 90s?!?

Oh I hate that word “utilize” when “use” works just as well.

Exactly! I was puzzled by this phrase maybe 10 some years ago. Didn’t we use to just say “orientation”?

Well, I grew up in the era when we said “Once upon a time…”

j/k. Lol

Bought one of these boxes, specifically the Tapas, and decided I’m never buying one of these over priced yucky boxes again. It’s just a bunch of pre-packaged foods put together in a box. I picture a Door Dasher going around a grocery store picking this and that, putting it in a box and upcharging several times.

Bring back the real food they used to serve LONG ago, ones that the catering service actually cooked in their ground kitchen. I know, it’s not happening.

Sure this is not MRE the way you might think it is. These are just regular prepackaged ultra processed foods.

Talk to your new institution’s IRB