That was known for years. The Ukrainians have been building trenches in the eastern front. They were getting military training since like 2010 in how to defend themselves. They were also getting weapons and many gear. That was nothing new.

Kind of pathetic that just because some people don't agree with you, you believe it's "ultra right." popular come back to reality and pay attention that some politicians and policies suck.

Is it making you upset that it brings light to fail policies we are dealing with? Making you nervous people will vote to amend prop 47?

Those are some premium games you got there

Lol signs definitely speaks some truth

I managed to get working after a few times shooting with it. After the second time loosened up. I grab screw drives and wrench, applies some blue loctite, and torqued the heck out of it. Next day I spent 8 hours shooting and it stayed on.

Badass! I feel like I can't get pass 43!

I'm a fan! I love how everything seems to be in designated place, and neatly organized.

My partner would be drooling just to add some random thing if I had a cave like that.

Easy way to be dismissive when you can't give me a counter to examples I gave how studies been sway in the past. How can you not prove this data hast been sway or paid for?

Okay. Give me a source Cali or LA doesn't do the same

None. Fox sucks balls. I like how you assume I go to fox because I don't like I question leftist media. They are independent news sites that are about sharing news and facts and let people base their own opinions.

Potato patato.... Objective is to sway people to a certain of thinking.

How can you tell if there numbers are not sway? We'll pretty difficult unless there's another study to disprove it or there's a leaker/whistleblower that states otherwise.

In the 1950s companies paid scientist to say sugar was good and healthy. It all came years later. NPR even released an article on that.

1930 physicians were paid to say smoking was good! Guess what?! It took decades to get the information right.

So what makes you think a state government or federal government administration won't pay behind the scenes to adjust data in their favor? They are not gonna publicly release endorsement or fundings.


It's in front of you! If you don't know which ones lean right and which ones lean left you may want to learn how. You can tell by their wording.

Now to have a source or a study that shows how they manipulate numbers data is a tough one. It's like asking the police how their internal independent investigation is not fair and unbiased. You're not gonna find one.

Use search engines like Freespoke that attempts to give sources and data from all sides.

Because Trump was an idiot and kept going to lecacy media like them and NY times trying to appease "both" sides. Even though they were snubbing him in front of his face

I can read and do a simple search too.

Third Way is a Washington, D.C.–based public policy think tank founded in 2005.[3] It develops and advocates for policies that it says represent "modern center-left ideas".[4]

Two left leaning sources scratching each other backs

Third Way is a Washington, D.C.–based public policy think tank founded in 2005.[3] It develops and advocates for policies that it says represent "modern center-left ideas".[4]

So basically two left leaning sources scratching each other's back.

Really? Use a more neutral source that this extremely left leaning website(Axios)

Numbers are most likely sway to make "blue" states look good.