Yes Venezuela is a safer place than any of those others on your list. And while not being perfect you can travel there. Just Google margarita island, Canaima, Roques. Tourism is actually going back at this time and the country has been improving

Moveo is a good sports clinic and I would also recommend Myodetox. also North shore Clinic has some great pyshios as well

Afghanistan, Venezuela, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine, South Sudan, DR Congo, Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Mali, Burkina Faso, Palestine, Israel.

it's the fact that you put Venezuela on the same list as these war-stricken countries! Venezuela has issues but does not belong on the same list as any of these countries!

I love how you put Venezuela right beside Afghanistan! Venezuela is a paradise compared to all the countries you have mentioned. I can give you 1000 examples of why. Who said you are not free to explore and you are being monitored when you go there? Tell me you have never been to Venezuela without telling me you have never been to Venezuela.

I usually say, yes I do love myself! IYKYK

well they really need the health care there as you would probably get shot more often :)

This similarly happened to Venezuela. People needed a way to send or to take money out of the country because of all the sanctions

There has been a rabid dog case in YEARS. Fuck this guy?!! This is everything that's wrong with the US

This. We have zero competition in Canada and we are all paying for it everywhere.

Yeah can someone explain to me why we should impose these tariffs!? Don't make it too long I don't want to read a paper

Yeah new ones are 55 plus tax. And yeah they should be able to locate the owner

Not worthless. That's an additional car key.

Cream pony chicken sandwiches are great

We know the owners as my wife works for a holistic vet and have gone to the facilities. It's a great company

I have a friend who just opened up a store in the NYC area for those around the location

Also Red Dog Blue Cat is a great company with great quality of food. Also Canadian

MoGraph 15+ years

If your laptop is good enough it's totally doable. Just get an extra monitor or 2. Keyboard , wacom table and maybe some external raid and your gold

Better than not doing anything and waiting for this person to hurt someone or hurt himself. They would also be able to call the right people to deal with this situation

Call the police next time as this person obviously need to put back on his meds

MoGraph 15+ years

I'm all about keyboard shortcuts for everything. It's so much better

MoGraph 15+ years

I use command+? To place layers on my timeline as well. I never drag

MoGraph 15+ years

I used to use TAB + ARROWS to go back and forth comps BUT someone mentioned in this sub that TAB + escape would take you to the OG comp.