i would only think about it for at least 100 million dollars

knight a medieval high class soldier, remove the k and it becomes night the time after day when it gets dark and everyone goes to sleep

You deleted that thing! I'd feel sorry for it if it weren't for the fact its an undemocratic bug.

this is actually a good caring father who doesn't want to lose one of his five children to run somewhere unsafe due to him paying attention to another one of his kids

same thing has happened to me but from democrats supporting Biden, I threw them away and moved somewhere else so I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. unless you have no other choice, I would recommend you do the same.

a nest with fairies inside. if you stick your hand in some fairies will play with you, 10/10 experience, would definitely recommend

the enemies:


i thought gender was just a figment of humanities imaginations

the trans woman still looks like a guy, not at first glance but there are tells

I mean the only two tells as to wheather or not a person is a woman is a vagina and the biggest, most unchangeable one: XX chromosomes

most people who do hormone therapy are messed up for the rest of their lives

fr fr i have two questions do the have a vagina or XX chromosomes