I'm sorry if it comes off mean or cold, but someone needs to be real with you right now. Pull yourself together

You're acting like a damn coward. Whatever way they think you died, it's going to effect those kids. When you have kids you sign over your right to live and die for yourself. You need to be there for your kids. Man the fuck up.

You should have let them hit you, it works out better that way for you

The NBA is gonna look WILD in a couple seasons then...siestas at half time...


This is what happens if Russia takes over guys...trust me

"They talkin to my guy all wrong, it's the wrong tone. They do it again, and I'll stab em in the face widda saudering iron"

Yeah go watch him on stand-up on the spot. Didn't riff on a single suggestion...just yelled the N-word a bunch at every person who had a suggestion. It was really annoying. Although the first suggestion of course was "rocks" and he went off about how no one knew there were "N-word" autistic people

"Hey, I just got your text about canceling the tax scam, I got here just in time"

I've never been able to use this style whatsoever. Especially in my right ear for some reason

Oh nice they went to the style that will never in a million years stay in my ear

When this generation sees Prince and thinks "pfft I can do that"

Lol no one gets a pass for Feldman now. That's just poppycock

This guy seems OVERLY worried lol. Like please dude I don't want to have to wank to my hero!!!

He revealed that for the 10000th time? Seem overkill