I think Mourinho will make Krunic into the starting 11 and then the show will begin..

Level Up for Okan the Goat!

Mourinho is a tactical genius who mastered all levels of football championships in many leagues. He is taking over a good quality of players who were mentally struggled previous season.

So, in 2024-25 season, Okan will face the boss of his level. I hope he can beat it.

Let's enjoy a better season next year.

Maybe we can enjoy Klopp for 2025-26.. Next.. who knows..

PS : Mourinho would also support the National Team by increasing the defensive capacity of Turkish players in FB.

I think you care about Aziz or Ali choice too much. They should not have this much effect on FBs success.

You need to discuss why FB is so dependent on the presidents.

I am no fan of any of those characters and no fan of İsmail Kartal. You need to support the team no matter what, otherwise, if you are looking for failure of the selected president, I am sure it will be very easy to find fron day one as there will be a decision on the coach and then you will start dividing into groups.

To be fair, I think noone who is commenting on reddit or any social media is capable enough to coach a team. Even if FB didn't became champions, İsmail Kartal has coached players who are x3 smarter and has x5 career than him. That is what coaching is.. He did a good job but was not enough..

All we do is comment on what is seen and obvious, but i am sure there are things that we don't know which leqds to some failuers that are mentioned here.

If I were a FB fan, I'd be rooting for Ali and to continue with İsmail because i believe in iterative improvement and i think İsmail Kartal can improve if he can have another season with the same squad.

You see, some fans are trying to legitize their conspiracy theory on why the couldn't become champs eventhough they had so much points than BJK.

I just want to show that, these statistics mean nothing if you include outliers.

There was another thread that GS should not have this much trophies and there should be some kind of unfair advantage. That idea was based on GS dominated the league for the last 30 years before that they were not good enough to compete with FB, therefore, the league must be rigged..

Fanbases uses any kind of stats to reason with their conspiracy theories in their favor. I don't find providing this kind of statistics innocent acts.

Statistics, if applied properly, can let you predict future but it still does not mean it is %100.

These numbers does not mean anything statistically, as this season is an outlier.

Meaning, if this year is extracted:

BJK : 644 FB : 618 GS : 615 BŞ : 574 TS : 540

Who makes these rules? It seems like you are suggesting a new perspective based on your own bias.

With this logic Fener is not as big as Galatasaray, do you confirm this?

I agree that Altay can go for first 11 but Onana sometimes plays on another level, man made 1 save of the months for the last season.


Öyle dememiş, adam olan olsun olmayan olmasın demiş.

This game will be next season. Depends on if Konya will stay in TSL and transfers.

I didn' want to offend anyone therefore used the word euphoria, but it was obviously more than a simple euphoria..

It is like taking your shirt off after a critical goal.

I think, people who got punished does not care the consequences durring their euphoria..

But as Merovingian said, "causality, cause and effect".

Now it is time to men up and accept those consequences, rather than cry like a baby for getting cobbed..

Enjoyed this very much.

Is this a tribute to Spiderman or 2Pac(All About You)?

MHY was in first 11 just because of his character. He is shame of a human being.

Ismail Kartal is a good coach for small teams who plays defence in combination with counter attacking. This was always his mentality and that is the same reason why he is not in FB level. Even with a standard Anatolian team he can get points away, he won with 10 very qualified FB players. No suprise..

The game was not taken seriously at many levels. Management(was Dursun Özbek present at the game?), Coach and Players. Red card let the player concentration down and no one took responsibility after that.

Konya as you mentioned, will not be an easy game. They are not as good but now team needs to deal with different kinds of emotions that they have not faced whole season.

Still, a fantastic end for a very close race.

Personally, I'll enjoy every bit of that stress and anxiety at Konya game. If we loose, kudos to Fener well deserved, if we win/draw kudos to team to handle the whole season and endup with a championship.

For the loss, there is a phrase in English, "One swallow does not make a summer"..

Have you seen how Mourinho made his teams play?

His football is based on physical presence not game quality and posession..

His teams were newer played as a lock pick, contraversely, they play to be the lock to be picked.

I would like to see him in FB rather than BJK whose fans deserves to see good played game with lots of posession.

Perfect game for FB. Well deserved. Even with 10, they gave no position and played a very smart game.

Game was fair. Djiku second yellow was fair, even it is barely a foul, it was strategic and he choose to make that struggle.

Ref was average, he gave a summary of the whole season.

Mert Hakan Yandaş is a shame of a person and sportsman. He can choose to act as a decent human being, in 19 May. Even if he may have some football quality, I don't think he deserves to be a FB player. For the whole game, he played with the fans and unfortunately, got along with it.

Last remark : If I were a FB fan, I'd be mad to loose Super Cup with a shitty decision. They would have become Champions this game, and their President made the worst choice.

I think Karagümrük plays decent football. The reason that they are in this situation is they try to play every game in the same fashion.

Personally, I enjoy having them in the league.

Same goes for Gaziantep.

Konya didn't do anything positive this year(football terms), so I think they should relegate.

FB will be very sorry for loosing Arda Güler..

That guy will be a legend but not in FB..

This gave me the chills like when I saved Deckard Cain in Diablo..

I try to understand the whole situation since the start. I don't believe neither side is lying but they are hiding some parts of the truth. This is the disgusting part..

Both sides(TFf and Clubs) have benefits that they can not talk about and to avoid exposing other parties they play a game in public.

I think not only TFT president but also GS and FB management should quit.. They have as much share as TFF for this shit..


The topic is not about the Saudi's.

Personally, I agree not to play it in abroad for patriotic reasons. However, they seem to trick us by using this as an excuse where they have different agenda and hidden intentions..