I was stationed down in Jacksonville and we’d go renew ours in Saint Augustine at the fort every year. I think it’s about time for a new one. For laundry/bathing, I’m planning to add different Loves locations to the map for an hour or so break every other day or so. Did you serve??

I really appreciate all of this information. This is my second time planning a trip west, last time was Yellowstone and we saw the entire park in our 5 days there. I’m learning about a lot of new national parks I hadn’t even heard of tonight in this subreddit so more research is definitely necessary. A lot of people seem to be “anti” monument valley, but that is a must see for me there. I definitely want to see Zion and Bryce Canyon, so maybe tweak the trip a bit to leave room for another trip out there down the road.

Zion is on there, appreciate the info I’ll do some digging!

Popup “dispersed” camping

My father just gifted me his pop-up camper, had no use for it anymore. I cannot stand built up campgrounds and prefer to be out in the woods in the state forests and the like as I’m usually a tent camper. Anyone have recommendations on where I could take the popup that would be comparable? Thanks!

My dad loves those cop blocked “1st amendment auditors”. Shit drives me crazy

Sure hit me up and I’ll tell ya anything you wanna know!

Out there every summer, got our place on the skirts of Rogers City!

I hear ya, but let’s not forget the coup we staged over there to help out British petroleum companies keep their oil fields over there

Officially I believe they’re seaman recruit-seaman and then would be a SO3/2/1

Hear me out, Northside in the area of Yellowbluff and New Berlin. Good school, nice shopping, they’re building tons of new stuff in the area. Quiet in the evening, and I lived there 2 1/2 years and safety was never a question.

Tbh I used this for a turn lane the other day. When I went to Florida, these weren’t a thing from what I remember. 5 years later they’re everywhere

USN Controller

My piece of advice, and I’m not an FAA controller, I’m Navy: get a bachelors in something marketable, not ATC, and then apply for an off the street bid. You get picked up and go to OKC? Sweet. You work that for awhile and then medical, family, personal reasons arise, well you have held a “high stress” government job for x years, have a degree in ___, I’m sure you’ll find work.

On the other hand, you don’t get picked up and now have a degree to do something else.

Thank you I didn’t know this

Two great songs man. I downloaded and have 82% on er right now. You should look into 49 Winchester songs too man!

Anything you are willing to make! What do you have in mind? Sarah’s place would be a good one, open the gate, nine ball, hey driver