I would keep my beard growing for the remainder of my days. Got out of the hobby and have only done a full shave once in 10 years. But I still bust out my wet shaving stuff about once or twice a year to hit the cheeks and neck. But, if I were clean shaven daily, and presented with this choice, I’d just stop shaving.

My financial status? lol. Thats funny. The job I did for the last 10+ years paid bullshit money for the job. I got out of that finally after having a kid. If paycheck to paycheck is your dream, feel free to follow my advice.

But, what you’ve been doing has led you to complaining on the internet, so…maybe Dave Ramsey could help ya out.

All the things you’ve been doing have been working so well up to this point, why listen to someone that’s helped plenty of people get out from your same situation? Makes no sense to me either! /s


Based on the post and your comments, there is no brand value except to you. Sorry to be blunt

Weyermann extra pale premium is what you seek

Yea, I agree with everything you’re saying, but when people say “I don’t use XYZ because it must be filtered out, so I use biofine”, I would be remiss in not pointing out that biofine also is supposed to be filtered out. But I also agree that in the levels most people use it, you’ll never hit the allowable ppm. I’m guilty of not filtering biofine more than I have filtered it, based on the ppm. So, I’m also a hypocrite, and understand that haha.


Technically biofine is also supposed to be filtered out. It’s on the MSDS, and fda website.


There are also several podcasts out there.

The US has customs and border control, yes. Your package will 100% go through customs. Will it get pulled for additional screening? Unlikely, but there’s always a chance.

It was open as recently as last Friday, which was the last time I was on Beale.

Then the culprit isn’t known. Could be sanitizer in brite, could be sanitizer in lines, could be individual fill heads…but they won’t ever know if testing isn’t standardized, so…doesn’t change what I said either ;)


A test that’s not done properly can give inaccurate readings. An oxidized tank with DO that’s in spec at packaging would not still have 20ppb in the can 12 weeks later.

I parked downtown in a Premium lot on Mother’s Day for 4 hours for $16. Only time I’ve paid $20 to park in a lot downtown was going to an event at the forum, and if I had wanted to walk slightly further there’s a $10 option not much further away. There’s cheaper options if you’re willing to look.


Of course it’s oxidized. If you’re at 19.6 ppb after 12 weeks, you had a Metric Shit Ton ppb in the can at packaging. You should be reading damn near zero. Is the same person doing DO testing at packaging every time? If no, Does everyone do it the same, every time? I’d start with printing a copy of the DO testing SOP and hand it to everyone on the line, and make sure everyone that touches the DO meter tests the same way each time. Have a class. Remind them of the standard and ensure the standard is met each time. One fucktard doing a half assed test can ruin a whole run.

Once everyone is on the same page when it comes to testing, I’d then start answering other questions like are the cans being rinsed, if so, what with and are they being emptied effectively, how is the packaging lines and equipment being emptied of the sanitizer, and are you co2 purging the lines/equipment for long enough? Are you testing of the pre-filled / post purged tank? Are you testing the post purged brite to canning line lines?

Why do we want his injury history? Seems like we wouldn’t want someone that was injury prone, especially after this season.

You must not be familiar with his work. It followed his standard routine pretty well. Sorry you didn’t enjoy.

The “literal 20 min live thing hocking shitty merchandise trying to be funny about it” wasn’t literally 20 minutes. It was about 4-5. He showed 2 T shirts, a bag, a funko pop, and a picture.

We were also upgraded, from high up to about 4 rows up stage right in the middle of a row. But…I’d bought the seats we wanted. We sat in the upgraded seats until intermission and then moved to where our actual seats were. We were the only people in our section, and had a blast.

As far as his opening act, I agree one was terrible. However the host, Martiiiiiiiin, has been opening for him and been referenced by him in his shows for 27 years, so that shouldn’t have been a surprise if you were familiar with his work.

Just because you weren’t considerate as a kid doesn’t mean that’s the case for everyone. I’m taking my almost 3 year old to 2 nights of widespread panic later this month. It’s outside, and she’ll sit on our blanket or dance on our blanket. She won’t be running around, she won’t be harshing peoples vibe. If you look over and see her enjoying herself and it makes your trip weird, that’s a you thing.

Kids have been going to shows for decades. Sorry your parents weren’t cool enough to introduce you to good live music as a kid.

No. The external spool will never be able to be a 5th AMS spool as you have no ability to rewind the filament to change to the next one.

Came here to recommend Salvo instead, and see it’s already been recommended, so consider this another vote for Salvo. It’s pre-isomerized which makes it more of what you’re after.

Stay away from any “complete brewhouse” from china that is significantly less expensive than other options. They are significantly less expensive for a reason. Any quality equipment that comes with quality post installation service (this includes phone calls, emails, tech support, whatever) will all be right around the same price. You get what you pay for, and in most chinese equipment cases, the extra you’re paying is for the service, not better equipment.

The unpainted model is available…why don’t ya put your money where your mouth is and show us how good your quicker print (at the same size) and 20 minute paint job looks?

The post asked if it was legal, not if it was smart.

Well don’t ask that guy, he doesn’t have to answer your questions and has also invoked his right to remain silent while also remaining as loud and obnoxious as possible.