I'm thinking the sales associate was confused and gave me how much was used instead of what was left, which was 3850 before my 140 purchase, which would leave it basically tapped

~3700 left as of writing this, not sure where these low numbers are coming from

Same, I'm just trying to find out if strap length is the only difference, the rear float sticks straight put from my neck instead of down my back

I've seen them on porcupine mountain, but most places I know are along rivers below the high water line as it goes down, further inland

Cheapest I've found is the tire shop on rothesay ave under the 1 mile interchange, near the end of Russell st.

I got mine in ebay from the uk, both sizes, came to less than 20 bucks. Dollar has slid a bit since then but still shouldn't cost much.

I would think most of the trails in Rockwood and the irving nature park would be plenty suitable for 3 year olds, and both have maps so you can easily plan the length of trail you want to take. As for seafood, most places I would recommend are seasonal, so I can't help you there.

You can die from the shock of the water alone at that age im sure, or inhale a lungful from the instinctual gasp when you hit the cold water(a very common cause of drowning) And then there is also falling through the ice where there is current...and coming up back under the ice because you were carried a few feet downriver while you were under for a second

What are you talking about, they used to have a legit ice road that crossed the river, now it hasn't been opened in years but at his age he probably remembers it as the norm.

I'll never forget driving down the road past mechanic settlement on my way to fundy Park and passing a kid in a sleeveless jersey and shorts with an upside down, sideways visor on, riding a BMX down the road with an old cassette tape ghetto blaster on his shoulder

Well akshually Kodiak brown bears are from the Kodiak island and grizzly brown bears are inland brown bears, but they are not the same. Kodiak have more plentiful food sources where grizzlies have to hunt and chase down their prey.

Turn my tables right round, this is a good upgrade for me from my cheap optimus

They are bred to eat and grow much faster than wild salmon, so they will out compete in the food chain

I know I sound like a wanker, but a new moon is when it's all dark. This is a waxing crescent if it was just taken so it will be thicker tonight