Not to pile on here, but your mashed potatoes need more butter and some GODDAMN PEPPER HOLY CRAP ON A CRACKER PEOPLE!!


I'll take my BBoy refs where ever I can get em...and this one kinda fits.

Body movin'! Body Body movin'!

They should have to wear a shirt identifying themselves.

Good Samaritans:


Stay Away

Reminder: October 7th happened because Bibi refused the requests for more security and preemptive action

No, that isn't why Oct 7th happened. It's why it wasn't stopped. There is a big gap there.

West of House

You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.

There is a small mailbox here.

Slack Notification Schedule - No way to split days?🆘Help Me

I've searched the web and this forum, and haven't really found any topics around this, which surprised me given the amount of shift work in the IT space, so maybe I'm just missing something basic here.

My shift spans 2 days, e.g. 8pm - 5am. I cannot set this up in the notification schedule, as there is only one time slot available per day, so my alerts are disabled for either the first part of my day, or the last part of the day.

Is there a way to do this that I'm not finding, or some kind of plugin or something? I'm not the most Slack savvy person, but I'm pretty sure I've checked all available options.

Appreciate any help on it. Thanks.


Thank you for the reply. I understand that Palestinian != Hamas. I'll leave it at that, and fyi, it wasn't I that downvoted.

Can I ask you a serious question? I'll be forthright in saying that I am not pro-Palestinian, but I don't plan on arguing or name calling here, I just genuinely want to know what the justification was for Oct. 7th and why that isn't considered something that everyone would unequivocally condemn. If you want to take it to PM's to avoid other ppl being ignorant, that's cool, and if you don't want to answer at all, that's cool, too....just genuinely curious.

It is normal, and your line of thinking is what causes shit like this to happen and the people involved are 'shocked' that they were fired. This is what happens when you live in false reality bubbles and never had real hardship effect your life.

Get a helmet.

Reddit is full to the brim of these people...and some never learn.

There is a reaction where, as you're falling asleep, your body can alert or kind of shock itself back awake. That's not exploding head syndrome.

Exploding head syndrome is when you're about to fall asleep and you hear a very loud noise, some say an explosion like noise, that scares you awake. I have this, and for me, while it isn't explosions, it's like someone is right next to you and clapped their hands next to your ear, or slapped 2 boards together really hard.

I have this. It doesn't happen all the time, but quite often. It's not an explosion, but like someone clapped their hands really loud next to my ear, or slapped 2 4x4 boards together really hard in the next room.

Super annoying is right.

Thanks. :) But, it's not the ear bud, as it's happening in the ear without anything in it. It's some kind of compensatory effect or's weird as hell, though.

If I listen to music with just one ear bud, the other ear (without the bud) starts to make a vacuum thumping/popping noise. This happen to anyone else or know what this is?

Title explains it. I don't know if its the other ear compensating, or if it is actually pressure going through and causing my eardrum to move. I wouldn't think the earbud could move that much air, but who knows.

You should come to South Carolina. The Gamecocks are the college team for the USC, and the word COCKS is everywhere. When I first moved here, it was quite the shock to see girls walking around with the word COCKS printed on the ass.

"Fake it" taking on the meaning of not being a dick and pissing on someone's parade because you're too selfish to even give a "friend" a feel good gesture.

No, it's about being an adult and not a prick when someone has something that they obviously enjoy and you want to piss on their parade. Kindergarten taught some valuable lessons.

Daily reminder to not take parenting advice from Reddit

Pls know you're appreciated. It's not hyperbole when I say that as soon as old reddit and / or RES goes away, so do I. Thank you!

lol...god this tactic is so played.


Yeah, agreed, plus this would have to be the dumbest person on the planet to have zero idea how the human respiratory system works.