lol- in a few minutes you'll get a bunch of responses that says since his parents paid the debt it can't be disclosed which somehow makes it non-criminal.

every thread here says sue and 99% of the time it’s not realistic or good advice

filing a wage theft claim and suing are not the same thing.

yeah- the best stuff is always to just make it annoying enough to businesses that they would rather have a peaceful and just society than have to deal with 100 people lingering on the sidewalk outside their place of business.

yes- but you've probably still got both nipples so you can still become an Old Croghan King.

yeah but you didn't know about it until i taught you, so i'm glad you learned something just like i did.

who has time to check every dumb ass thing? but i was wrong, so i put the information up for other people to look at it, because i'm pretty sure you didn't know it either.

so now both of us are smarter for it.

haha yeah i don't know the nickname of every ww2 bomber i'm such an idiot.

there is a difference between non-violence and direct action.

you can heckle every single person that goes into a non-unionized starbucks. you can boycott chipotle. you can be in the way. action is not synonymous with violence.

the people in power would love if they could convince everyone they have to maintain the status quo or else they can get in trouble.

The sitting president being pressured to end his re-election campaign is news.

and if he isn't being pressured because it is just a conservative opinion push, we'll legitimize it and pretend it is news!

those are the ones that don't hit you, which land elsewhere, and you hear.

you don't hear the kill shot

i honestly wasn't mad until i saw this.

no nod to history, nothing clever, just "50 MISSIONS" and silver baeb pig in the city.

edit: i stand corrected:

that's a supreme judge of a chicken sandwich!

i'm sorry- i misunderstood. i was referring to comey (that tall idiot or whatever i called him.)

the political party that doesn't care if kids get shot in school? only an idiot would believe they actually care about kids. they worship child molesters every sunday.

you can try to post any of this stuff now on r\conspiracy and your post will get removed and you'll get banned from the sub.

it is a tool for fascism not because they actually care about kids being abused. they don't give a shit if kids get shot in kindergarten they really don't care.

they just talk about that shit so when this stuff came about about trump they can say all politicians do it. they did it with hunter biden after kushner and ivanka abused their "office" for financial gain too.

just muddy the waters and the dumb rubes in hicksville will still vote for their favorite racist.

i like where it says, "and the borrower can't return the shares."

uhh yeah...because they sold them, which means they have to buy them back.

nobody wants to make a stink about getting the shares they're owed because they don't want others to make a stink about getting the shares they owe.

They'll let the markets go up till then

in my lifetime i've only ever seen one president who fucked with the federal reserve.

eh- that tall piece of shit was like, "i don't like hillary so i'll throw the election for trump...what can he do to me i'm in charge of the FBI!"

then he got fired because trump was a piece of shit which millions of americans knew which is why they voted for hillary.

ONLY NOW, after he got fired for being a political hack, is he trying to do the right thing.

yeah that's why i said a few days before. i know people who it takes 24 or 48 hours to unfreeze, even though they say it doesnt.

but did you see what that newborn was wearing? they were asking for it. (/s this is a fucking horrible thing- i can't believe we share a country with these people. they wont change anything for kids getting shot in schools, this isn't as far off as you think.)

Rhynhart for Mayor

yeah i always took the el so i'm sure it is different than regional rail.