:flag-fl: Florida

Murdered her way into power? Wow, the media smear jobs really got you back then.

:flag-fl: Florida

The judge can also take into account the gag order violations, his conduct during the trial, and his complete lack of remorse.

And she's posting to draw people to her only fans.

They are not wrong, her website from her profile has OF as the top link.

:flag-fl: Florida

Could be anything from a hefty fine because it's a "first time" conviction, but the judge can take into account his violations of the gag order and his obvious lack of remorse.

:flag-fl: Florida

He broke NY law, he was tried and convicted in NY. His other charges are in other jurisdictions and in Florida he has a Judge that is dragging everything as slowly as possible.

:flag-fl: Florida

"oh of course this was in NY"

"this will help his polling"

The standard head in sand shit

He's the result of a foundation experiment to use 055 DNA, but they forgot the experiment was ever a thing and he walked out of containment.

You're right, I was going by memory

I think they were using/describing "regular" cones where the ratio of height and radius is constant.

It's all about cone volume being weird. Another example is taking an upside down cone that is 3 inches tall and putting water in it so it's 2 in of water and 1 in of air above it. The cone is actually 98.7% full at that point.

Sr. Sysadmin

It looks like bellsouth uses them, had a ticket open with comcast for a week now. They have an entire /9 range blocked which is screwing us over

George needs people around him to tell him no and to edit his grand vision down to something that is consumable and makes sense. His now ex-wife was vital in the original series being what is was.

But that 1/3 actually votes


I always count on 7-8 total days in the bunker, local govt is soooo much fun.

Yep 19.5 something something.

We are having to audit every rule and removing any IP Host group definitions and replacing with individual IP Host/Range listings. Also finding out pretty quickly that "Any" does not mean "Every" ie "Any Zone" apparently won't work, but checking all the zones will. I don't see how this has been out for so long and still so half baked.

Like meetin President Ricky with the good hair

Yeah...we are still fighting things.


Rule to allow 3 PCs in our finance department to connect to port 25 on a remote server for a vendor. Didn't even see the connection attempts in the firewall log. Eventually deleted and recreated the EXACT same rule with the EXACT same definitions, now it works.

Why? Fuck if I know.

That's about as dumb as the issue we had where DNAT rules weren't working unless you created them via the Wizard. Every issue in this makes me miss the UTM9