Im sure when the fbi found out the church was involved and led to the kind of money and and influence the church has they became less interested in that group...which is also just the church in case you missed that part or just weren't sure for some reason. There are some really wealthy politicians that belong to religious organizations too and people like kenneth copeland who are not only unimaginably rich religious fanatics but were also on really wealthy politicians advisory committee before really wealthy politician lost to really old and confused politician.

Do you want the serious answer or the stupid answer? this leading up to a McGregor Pereira ?

Now that is the kind of nonsense that you can't help but smile when you see it


Time to get politically primal up in this motherfucker! Iv already started threatening those around me and i pissed on my brothers wife the other day you know to mark my property while looking him right in the fucking eyes and praying he would speak up and give me a reason to break his god damn legs. I guess its just my way of prepping and im going to slowly dial it up until i have everyone living in a constant state of fear from the random violence that is becoming less random and more routine every day. Dont call the law its sarcasm obviously....until it isnt. Im a possy also and all political affiliations, races, gender and sexual varients are welcome the only requirement is a 2 year degree in raping pillaging and burning and a fundamental understanding of violence and intimidation.

I have seen people do weird shit on some of the analogs like for instance people odding out and then jerking and twitching so hard they throw whatever is in their hand. I never really got into the street fentanyl for very long and when i did shoot it i never had anything weird happen like that. After i stopped and was letting a couple friends ride to the methadone clinic with me i wouldn't let either of them hold anything in their hands because both of them threw cups of coffee at my dashboard and cigarettes and lighters and whstever they had in hand when nodding on that shit.

They cant refuse to lower like they csn refuse to raise you and i get they are medical professionals and all but they dont take this shit and likely nothing close to it so they really cant possibly understand it from our perspective. I mean you are already doing it the smarter way honestly and you have some control when something fucked up happens if you have a few saved to cover for when shit happens. Just go slow and dont make yourself feel like shit.

After seeing a picture of him i remember him and wasn't he in the ufc or maybe bellator??

Ahh ya fair enough i guess i didnt consider tbat

I know i saw the fight and i said that but if gilbert would have won it wouldn't have been surprising because it was that close. Dint get me wrong i love gilbert but hes no alex pereira thats for damn sure and if gilbert did that to kumshot then alex would almost certainly do worse.

Hey thank you for finding this article

Damn good because the longer they are the harder it is

The fact you pulled that off is pretty dope

Any more than a couple hits by yourself and they dont work worth a shit

You guys deceive yourselves and rarely realize that its happened

Nice word salad there and somehow you used a bunch of words strung together and managed to say nothing.

Yes his style really is deceptively dangerous and it seems like people would be catching on to this by now and know better than to stand and trade with him. Izzy was the only one that caught him once and he knows how he fights better than most if not all.

Neither does lack of power and its a tradeoff because power, accuracy, and volume are all important. Power can make up for lack of accuracy and volume to some extent and the same goes for accuracy and volume and you can be a beast in one or balance all three. The opponent you face will determine which is the best to focus on if there is even one specific thing that would be helpful to concentrate on instead of balancing them all

Says the person supporting the man who sees russia as a pal and feels the need to push his religious bullshit on women by taking away their reproductive rights and then fucking bragging about it like its some huge achievement that he gets to have personal control over their lives when the GOD DAMN constitution clearly states government and religion must be separate. Maybe if the church wasent a pedophile haven people would have a better opinion of religion but that just isnt the case now is it because they have been caught over and over having sex with fucking children. Its ok that russia invaded Ukraine after signing a god damn agreement they wouldn't if Ukraine handed over their nukes which they fucking did which was obviously a huge mistake. This shit is stupid asf and you don't get to just make shit up if you dont like the truth and just plain out play like fucking idiots that make shit up or ignore it based on if it fits their biases or not. Its so hypocritical its laughable and yet you guys fail to be able to recognize this or anything logical and rational for that matter? Do you really think this alternate reality bullshit will work out well for this country!?! Do you think you can run the most powerful and wealthy nation on earth by ignoring the truth and substituting it with conspiracy theories?? Wake the fuck up thats not how this works, thats not how any of this works and mark my words trying to lead this nation through ignorance and conspiracies will blow up in your fucking faces and unfortunately ours as well. Lies and bullshit cannot and will not work and you have to accept the truth even if its the last thing you want to hear because ignoring it does NOT change it no matter how hard you lie and ignore it. Its like a fucking preschool class took over and just decided they werent going to even acknowledge anything they dont agree with and therefore it will not exist anymore. If that sounds stupid as fuck thats because it is stupid as fuck.

I have read that 4mg fills roughly 60 to 90% of the receptors and i never had to go above 8mg even from a hardcore fetty habit using needles and within a month i was down to 4mg and then 2mg after another month. I have fucked up a few times and had to restart the sub a few times and its always been the same way and last time i never went above 6mg.

Didn't the market that sold weapons just get shut down recently? Im not sure buying guns on the darknet is such a good idea anyway and the drugs alone bring enough DEA heat without dragging the ATF into it