How does 'skipping AP bomb' make any sense when normal ap bombs already bypass the strongest defence a ship has ?

This game turned into complete bullshit.

Yes they are a good maker. The club I visit orders (not only but certainly for the most part) from them. Mind you, they are fencing swords, made to fence with them so affordability is something they seem to take into account.

I personally would not fence with a sword worth 5000+ eur


I like how both NHS gets billions and "everyone" gets lower taxes. Also Brexit. These 3 don't seem to stack up together.

Would it be funny or sad to say the sixth book of ASOIAF ?

Sorceress is probably the easiest (and fastest), the only real trouble will be the barbarians in hell, there you got to have a reasonably strong merc to deal with the immune.

For the most part, you don't bother with immune monsters, just go past them. You don't have to kill everything.

Keep in mind that, while not strictly necessary for the sorc, you will do well to farm some equipment and lvl before going into hell.

Depends on the company and how they collect data. Some collect data on how often, how long and how do you play they game, so they can make their next game closer to what people seemingly enjoy.

:flag-bg: Bulgaria

Lol, ok. Because we are doing so well, all we lack is minorities in other countries.

I was banned a few months ago from worldnews for merely suggesting that Palestianians should have the same rights as everyone else in Israel.


If the organization commits violence with political goals, then it is a terrorist one.


Sure, but is KF51 the one to buy ?

I would have assumed the well proved L2 as a stop gap measure until MGCS produces something. I am very suspicious of KF51 in general.


He may go to the bar, order a beer, pay it, drink it and then repeat.


What are they going to do with their Ariete ? Also, are they buying KF51 ? Is it not still a prototype ?

Aren't those Atlas butterflies ? Which indeed are moths.

This is insane. I hope Biden grows some actual balls now, at both the end of his first term and frankly his life, and show everyone why you shouldn't give a head of state a blank immunity.

I find it quite amazing how the some view the constitution as a sacred text. May be do not even understand what amendments are and mean.

Moreover, the very idea of anyone having a blanket immunity in his official role... What the actual fuck ?


Remember how some years ago Turkey shot down a Russian plane and killed its pilots ? Time to defend our airspace. You get in without permission, better be ready to not come out.

There isn't anywhere else to put it. If there were hardened shelters they have long been left to rot and collapse.

Best they could, and should, do is to put assets as far away from each other as possible.


I wonder why Russia's neighbours want to join NATO ?