Bruh you have hundreds of comments about Doc and video games. Who the fuck are you calling dork.

Dude it took me 10 seconds to find that. Going through someone's profile isn't the diss you think it is. And I guarantee I'm like twice the size of you nerd. Go play runescape and shut your mouth

Yeah you have a profile bud, and it took me all of 3 seconds to learn you're a fucking loser.

Bruh you post on path of exile and runescape sub reddits. My niece is tougher than you

I'm a bigger dude, construction worker. My neice just had her 5th birthday party, which was a princess theme. You bet your ass I let her dress me up as a princess. I'm talking makeup, nails, tiara, the works. You should have seen how happy she was. Worth it every time to see that smile.

Also, add desecrating the kids' graves to the list. Fucking despicable.

I work in construction and run into these stunted man babies all the time. Had one guy try to talk shit to me when he heard me say that I love cooking and do most of it in my house. When I started questioning him, he admitted that he Doordashs almost all of his meals. Laughed in his face and walked away. Some dudes are fucking braindead

Those people are fucking lame. I was a daily smoked for like 15 years. I quit 6 months ago for various reasons and honestly I do feel great... but I'll 100% return one day. Until then I'll just be quietly jealous lol

I had a bubbler with Obamas face on it. HOPE

As you should. UT 2004 holds some of my fondest memories gaming as a kid. Played instagib until my eyes bled.

For sure. I love learning about other cultures and trying new cuisine. There are many beautiful ways to live life, and I'm just trying to experience as much as I can.

Wearing a Goku tank top with fucking noodle arms lol. I can see why you attacked a dog, because if you fucked with another man you would end up on a stretcher

Some asshat wore a Fuck Joe Biden shirt to the jobsite the other day. Coincidentally, it was the day the clients were doing a walkthrough and they were fucking pissed. The super laid into the guy after they left. Leave that shit at home and just do your work.

I think it was her Dad's tag if I remember correctly

And the other two official judges scored Usyk winning. Do you not know of this works? Are you 12?

Except you literally are. Your last 20 comments are about him "winning". Go cry some more about it

You sure are arguing like you do though. Go back to playing on your Gameboy nerd

You Never Know is one of my favorites


I remember getting super stoned and going to see the first Avatar movie in 3D. One of the lenses popped out of the glasses, and it was giving me a headache, so I just fell asleep. Too stoned to realize I should have just gone to the lobby and asked for new glasses...


There were a handful of divers skilled enough to do that dive and willing to put their lives on the line to miraculously save all those children. And Musk has the audacity to call him a pedo. The fucking disrespect is unreal.

Gina's great. Honestly, all the characters are fantastic. Especially Holt (rip). Love that show.

My cousin married a minister. At the wedding ceremony, it was all, do you promise to be a subservient, obedient wife and shit like that. My siblings and I were looking at each other like WTF. She's happy, I think, but that's a no from me dawg

His verse on the song Uncommon Valor is unreal.

JTown is very hip and the kids love him