As much as the procedure hurt, I would absolutely do it again if the pain returned.

I feel bad that your son had to placate his father after telling him to let another artist finish it.

That smile in the last picture!!❤️❤️❤️ She looks like an Evie.

The nurse asked me that last week at my almost 7 week follow up. Lol Maybe it's a reflex for them, asking the same questions all day. I thought the same thing, tho. Don't you see why I'm here?? 🙄

C4-5 and C5-6, I believe. I've tried to block it out because the procedure was really effing painful. 😖

If you can find a Tommy Bahama Ahhhhhmazing pillow, it's been a life saver for my neck. I have a flat pillow under it, too mostly because I like having two pillows.

Previously to me having nerve root ablation in my neck, I slept on big squishmallows. They are incredible.

Done with everyone's nonsense as far as the first photo. 🤣❤️

I'm just so happy that I'm not the only one who thought so!🤣

My friend stayed with me the second weekend (8dpo) because my husband had a work trip. I'm lucky she is so helpful and easy going because I was still pretty cranky. By the end of the weekend I was feeling quite a bit better.

Funny how healing works like I was a beast one day and a kitten the next! Lol

As for your brother, NO, unless he plans to do more than be emotional support.

The second he looks like Robert Chambers! I guess better those two than some of the unattractive ones.

I think it took four or five days to 💩. Pathology idk because I was pretty loopy there for a few days and then I checked my email and had a notice. Maybe a week or less?

Exactly. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better surgeon. He was thorough, caring and smart. I will always recommend that.

They may have you follow up with gastro anyway if you need an endoscopy or anything but for this, do it.

I'd stay for the whole festival!

I went straight to colorectal surgeon. He did my colonoscopies, treated me before surgery hoping we could avoid it but we ended up doing it. I regret nothing. I feel they're better versed in the subject.

I've never had kids and I had a robot assisted laparoscopic partial hysterectomy.

I think over time, whatever part of the colon you get it repeatedly, it starts to cause damage. Scar tissue, strictures. Apparently mine was so damaged my doctor was like no wonder your bm's are the way they are. So that could be why. Idk.