AOC/Buttigieg ticket in 2028/32 would be good for America.
Too bad it may not make it there.😬

:moons: 27 / 27 🦐

that 2% bump after a 20% dump is always the sweetest

:moons: 27 / 27 🦐

Damn, I didn't even follow my own prediction . 🤦‍♂️

Drake like: "Aw man could you please stahpit??"

If all my investments bomb and this pulls back to ATH, then I'm good 😂

all the close-ups. could change the name to "The Pores"

I have no idea the characters, but they know there are other asians out there right?
Seem like a perfect time to pick up on Anna Sawais popularity, then again she might be cast later.
Still find it funny that a franchise that used a lot of Japanese and Korean signage and symbolism, never casted someone of that heritage.

:moons: 27 / 27 🦐

Interesting how XRP and ADA seem to stay within equal range of each other (7-10 cents). As soon as ADA breaks that trend to close that gap, it usually signals a market run.

Even tho its a sliver, something about that +1.64% AH makes me happy.

45 is a threat to democracy, so I think its a valid reason to lock him up.

with the lack of added scoring power, I think mgmt is betting on Lekkerimaki playing this season.
If chemistry doesn't pan out yet, then TD aquisition.

Even in Japan, the Predators are polite

May I present to you, every other Country in the world!

That's kind of better than saying a higher-powered being picked YOU to survive. Also being good should be something we strive towards. Now, if he is actually an asshole, then I stand down.