We do “the cup game” where I put 15 or so paper cups all over the room and treats under a 1/2 or a 1/3 of them. We do it a couple of times and she loves it.

We also have a few treat puzzles that she really likes.

Treats folded into a blanket does wonders for tiring her brain out too.

Anything/everything. Started off engineering and financial, but we’ve gotten it skilled trade. Love the variety and personally I think a great recruiter can get in the mindset of any hiring manager.

I’ve thought about a specialized agency, still chewing on it.

Thanks so much! There’s definitely some trouble spots, but I’m happy with how it turned out.

Agency recruiter with a startup. Our model is high base and low commission.

Worked my butt off and brought in $250k last year so gonna talk to my boss about adjusting the structure because it’s full desk (sales and recruiting) and most of our openings are with clients I’ve brought in, so in the long run it needs to make sense for me to be at an agency and not freelance. If I’m doing good numbers at a startup in my 2nd year in this field, it’s looking promising for where I could take it. And I really love it.

This is all guessing based off ones like this in the past I’ve done.

Underexpose, drag the green’s hue slightly towards the blue side of things. If it looks overdone, slightly desaturate. I’m going to guess that they isolated red or orange and boosted saturation in the rocks/some of the trees and upped the saturation there as well. You can see in the sky that red looks boosted.

Maybe bumped the beginning of the tonality curve up just a tiny bit and then dragged blacks down.

I live in the PNW now, but I interned at Fort Donelson nearby, and, as part of my internship, I spent a day shadowing the LBL archaeologists and they took me out to different sites closed to the public.

They were super nice guys, but now looking back, it was pretty creepy to be a 20-something female in the middle of the woods by hidden graves with 2 men I didn’t know. LBL has a creepy enough vibe as it is.

Exactly, thank you! Ignorance is bliss and if using a cheap Amazon projector were wrong, well, it still doesn’t change the fun we had sitting on our back deck watching movies with friends.

But now I feel myself slipping down the rabbit hole anyway, lol.

We just had this experience with our pup. First class, I was ready to cry. Felt like the rest of the class was going to commit a mutiny on us because she was barking so much.

Luckily, our trainer has high energy sled dogs himself, so it didn’t bother him at all, and he was unbothered, so we followed his cue. But the next session, we came prepared.

Set yourself up for success for the next training session and give your pup just enough exercise to take the edge off of their energy. Can you arrive early and park down the block from the class and walk up? Can you slowly approach the lot and let your pup slowly smell their way to the door? (Smelling takes the edge off a lot!)

I noticed that our first session, it was a 12 minute drive, which is just enough time for her to get really keyed up. So we were shaking a bomb and then letting it loose in the class.

I brought new to her and very very high value treats. Cheese, cooked chicken bits, pepperoni, whatever will work. My pup knows some commands and if the trainer is speaking, I’m silently doing commands to keep her engaged so she won’t bark. If she starts barking her head off, my husband would walk her a few feet away to kind of reset, let her sniff, and come back. It sounds like a lot of work, and it is! but much less work and stress than her barking the entire session.

I also would make sure she was adequately mentally/physically stimulated the day before the class. I’ve noticed with our pup that one day of understimulation bleeds into the next day.

It also just takes time. How old is your pup? We are still a major work in progress, but we’ve already seen big improvements in behavior now that she’s at 8 1/2 months old. The jump in how much less she is biting/going insane in just 2 months alone gives me a lot of hope for when she’s a year old.

I completely empathize with you. I felt SO defeated after our first class. I felt like I was failing our pup, but really it’s just the breed at that age!

Create a game plan for the next one. It’ll get better. I also think that people with their stupid angel puppies that lay there and fall asleep during puppy class shouldn’t be allowed in, lol.

We also are doing private lessons with our trainer! We technically could do the next class up at this point, but I’d rather wait a little and give her some catch up on some other behaviors in the private setting. Make sure you’ve got a trainer you trust that can help curtail the behaviors.

In other words, you’ve got this!

Depression at 4 weeks haf caf?Cutting down

I switched to haf caf, and have been going through a depressive period I haven’t felt in over 8 years. Is this common? I’m 4 weeks into going half caf.

Been working out more, taking vitamin d pills, getting good sleep, eating pretty healthy.

Have you experienced this, and if so, did anything help alleviate it?


I said for years that I would name a son Ryman, after the Nashville Mother Church music hall, but then I married a Ryan. Ugh.