I cry over everything I watch, but my earliest ones are Bambi and the movie The Champ starring Ricky Schroeder and Jon Voight. Only Bambi would still make me cry now though.

That’s what I thought before I saw which sub it was.

I use Audible, Everand (used to be Scribd), or Libby.

I usually do it by plane or boat or witchdoctor. Sometimes going on a walk and taking all the stuff I get offered, but that’s not as reliable lol.

Yes! The petting, to me, seemed like he was maybe warning them with his touches.

It’s the. I trips me up too and I always have to think about it for a second.

The Bee Sting by Paul Murray is my favorite so far

I use my foot in public bathrooms, but I’m going to wash my hands anyway so I don’t worry too much about it.

Box of Rain by the Grateful Dead is a beautiful song that was specifically written for the dying dad of the guy who does the vocals on it (Phil Lesh) to hear while his dad was terminal.

Daily. I wash my hair daily as well because Arizona makes me sweaty.

I can’t even consider the Gizeh for myself even though I think they’re cute. The way that rounded flap comes up on top of the big toe and second toe gives me sensory nightmares just seeing pictures of them.

A guy actually took me on a date to Fatal Attraction and then tried to chew my face off during it, but I was riveted. lol

Little Miss Strange by Joanna Rose. The early childhood part of the main character feels like my life.

My husband saw it like five years after it was a thing and still talks about it and relates to it to this day. lol

This just in: faces can grow facial hair that can be shaved off or left to grow in varying degrees!

Yes! I used to feel this way. I had a talk with my sister’s partner about it and he told me he felt the same way but opposite because he mainly read non-fiction and it made him feel uncultured that he didn’t read much fiction and exercise his imagination enough. That day I stopped worrying about it and just read what I want without overthinking it.

Having to have a hysterectomy at 39. I’m fine with it now, years later, but at the time it made me feel like I’d be decrepit for the rest of my life. I’m not.