Women hate any man that doesn’t just throw money and privilege at them for being a woman in the modern western world.

God forbid you question their decision making abilities.

Anyone that’s been race or gender swapped from the source material.

Not on the part of the character but the producers of course

Not when you produce it yourself. The saudis has a monopoly on most of the oil market until we tapped our own fields and the cast shot down you can’t deny the direct correlations bruh

I did vote for him in 2016 that’s not an admission of guilt it’s a statement.

And 99% of americas fentanyl is coming from the southern border that Biden opened en masse, but your right Biden has nothing to do with the exponential increase in opioid related deaths.

He also didn’t cut trumps funding for MAT programs for suffering addicts who can’t afford methadone and suboxone treatment either right?

Sounds like a very small anecdotal pool of Trump supporters brother

Biden signed the Paris environmental accords and immediately signed an executive order that stopped America from being energy self sufficient and went back to buying oil from his Saudi friends.

So yes, he did fuck the gas prices.

What connection does the Heritege foundation have with Donald Trump exactly? Because they’re the ones pushing the collection of policy changes under “project 2025”

And which ones do you find problematic exactly?

Also are you EXCLUDING TRANS WOMEN??????? Doesn’t that go against your own beliefs?

How fucking dare you gatekeep like that!

“Do better.”

Not your bank account, not your money no right to an opinion.

It’s half our DNA. And a baby can survive full term in an artificial uterus. Yall aren’t that special.

Apply your own logic.

The opioid crisis has been exacerbated exponentially under Biden rather than incrementally.

I’m not a “Trump supporter” I’m just vehemently anti modern liberal. Big difference.

You mean that I disagree with creating programs specifically to help benefit people based on skin color, gender and sexuality? Yeah you’re right I’m against that kinda shit. That’s how we get “white only” water fountains bruh

Anything good you think joes done was actually likely an aftermath of trumps policy implementation. It’s well understood presidents don’t actually get their own policy changes to take effect until they’re in their second terms.

The most ignorant statement on Reddit.

No quicker way to put yourself than defending their existence.

We can go all day bitch.

Abortion is a privilege not a basic human right and had no business being in the constitution.

Nobody is bitching about the 7 states you can have an abortion up until the day your water breaks. But they’re mad about the fact that a constitutional Right does not simply apply to half the population by definition otherwise the other half of the population would also have that right.

It was rightfully turned over to the states.

And they won by that narrow margin because dems were literally mobilized against Trump for 4 years straight fear and hate mongering all around bet the country with pseudo civil rights movements.

Biden won due to complacency of Trump voters and hatred/intolerance of western regressives.

No Hillary literally was everything I was afraid of being elected as she was for many Americans and it wasn’t bc she was a woman.

A lot of dems also voted for Trump in the hopes that we could manage 4 years of cons in charge of it meant a viable candidate in the next election….. except it backfired and we got Joe.

Not to mention people supporting Trump on a 1st amendment basis doesn’t make them assholes it means you’re intolerant of speech you disagree with.

Exactly. Fair election with open polls Biden loses to Trump 9/10 times easy.