Yes. I’m going to knock them down and push them every time they attempt to crawl! 🙄🙄🙄

Yes you can tell that from a Reddit comment 😏 have the day you deserve

Newborns are soooo easy to travel with! I’m going to try to keep new baby from crawling before the trip because that would be a disaster lol Caila has alllll kids of options and help. She’ll be quite fine. Lol

Eh. I’m planning to take my baby to Tokyo next summer when they’re six months old. Took my 1 month on a domestic trip on a plane, took him to Europe at 7 months- she’s rich and has the ability to bring help.

Lmao I feel your pain. My ex- mother in law is Lebanese and the atrocious clothes she would buy my kids was awfullllllllll.

I found my Polish relatives in Poland (connected beforehand). I’ve visited them twice and they’re visiting me in October.

It definitely could be. However, I’ve had an eating disorder for over 20 years and been pregnant four times. It depends on how damaged their organs are.

Most: Amber Fillerup Clark least: they all have their moments 😂

What’s extra special is you can tell the orphanage took such a good care of him. He was all dressed up to his mom and dad 🥺

SHE is trying to say she has had three different eating disorders meaning she has relapsed three different times. I’m a social work professional and have struggled with bulimia most of my life. I would describe my eating disorder that way. She’s trying to be dramatic

Okay that tape forward. Think about how awful you will feel. You can do this.

Yeah her treatment will last months inpatient and she will definitely never be allowed on social media like she is again. She is going to have to have radical acceptance and realize that if she wants to see 40, she needs to get help and get off Instagram.

Thankfully she reminded us she’s a size XS

I’m going to assume you’re a doctor with an emphasis in addiction so I’ll just trust you. Be well!

Yes? And every year that goes by doesn’t make me less likely to relapse lol


I was going to say…. This sounds like a typical Florida establishment- of any sort. I work for the govt here, have a masters degree and I’m wildly underpaid.

Should everyone be paid better? Especially for expensive cookies? Yes.

However the letter is most likely going to fall on deaf ears. Disney doesn’t have to be ethical and just because it’s a place on property- doesn’t mean they’re going to be sunshine and rainbows.

Diet Coke. And now I’m Pregnant and drink about a case of diet Sunkist every two days lol