Those 🧀Swiss cheese pants are seriously so amazing!

Yes, absolutely! It just messes with my confidence, and if I really don’t like it, it’ll stick in the back of my mind all day, making me a little uncomfortable the whole time.

In my personal opinion, laces are fine for sport, but can be annoying for boulders—I think velcro’s easier if you’re taking them off between goes. But to actually answer your question, no—it’s just preference more than anything else!

Cap sleeves just don’t really work any more 😅

It’s hands-down the hardest category to set for right now—my gym recently had a bouldering comp with a non-binary division, and there were only 5 entrants, so everyone went to finals. How in the world do you set a good round with heights ranging from 5’ to 6’3”, and abilities from v3 to v9?! It’s so tough to make sure everyone in the round can make at least some progress, but not make it all too easy!

I’m sure it’ll even out as the category grows, but I think we’ve really gotta give the setting team some grace depending on the field.

It’s not quite fast casual, but True Food Kitchen is a great healthy option! Otherwise, CAVA (newly in Chicago!) and Sweet Green are good staples.

It makes me happy! Not personally planning on having kids, so I’m not worried about using my favorite names myself, and I love hearing them around!

Strategist here, and I still really love it! I didn’t study advertising in school, though, and I don’t regret that—so I’d still recommend the career path, but not necessarily an advertising major (if that’s an option).

A 1.5 trip for an egg sandwich seems a little crazy at first, but that looks so, so good + totally worth it!

Same 😊 good luck out there today!

Right??? I mean, my go-to Caesar rec is probably the Gage, but I’m so thrown by a salad being a hangover craving!

It would be training season for me too, but I just moved closer to a bunch of local problems I’ll just be testing and sliding of all summer 😁

Figuring if I find cool projects to come back for in the fall, they’ll feel like Velcro all of a sudden!

Yeah, OP, if your target audience is mostly kids, definitely do for the colorful one!

True—could also go with Addison or Waveland!

Hope you like it! Definitely a very different experience to session solo, but I think it can be really, really great to go at your own pace every once in a while.

Dang, what a week! Haven’t been to Greek Islands yet, and this has me convinced to plan a visit—thanks for the suggestion.

That’s such a nice set for a bunch of boys 😣

Ugh, yeah, you’re probably right—as amazing as being a pro runner would be, all this makes me so, so grateful to have a job that’s not contingent on physical performance!

I’ve always used gummy bears (per a HS coach’s suggestion), and never had any problems, plus they’re usually pretty easy to stock up on if I’m traveling or something!

Just outta curiosity, what are some of your favorite videos that do tick those boxes? Wondering what does get ya psyched!

Gemini is a good idea! Kind of an elevated neighborhood spot, and a general crowd pleaser.

Not sure if it really counts as Gold Coast (River North?), but Ema is a great option!

Aw, that’s awesome! Check back in a month later—I’m sure you’ll be so hooked!

That’s awesome that you’re back so quickly! Can definitely relate regarding how much it sucks to miss all the hang out time, as well as the actual climbing.