Well, it's been more fun than I expected because I have identified thrifting is probably best right now. The clothes I'm getting (using ThredUp) are more natural materials and colorful, plus I accessorize. Not going quietly into the next phase of life, that's for sure.

One way to check if the beads are stone, is to hold them up to a light. If they're striated or patchy, they're likely rose quartz.

Sigh. I opted to go full boho musician for this very reason.

Taking care of your mental health isn't an excuse. It's taking care of your mental health before it worsens even more so you can be productive.

Because people who like to be alone are socially perceived as loners who are somehow broken. It isn't okay, but it goes back to "safety in numbers." Also? Ugh.

I don't think that writing every day works for everyone. That said, I got back into journaling when I started treating it like a diary. I record things about my day, which encourages me to write, and then other topics flow from there.

I did indulge in a TWSBI diamond. It is worth the price and is constructed differently than the ECOs. For me, the issue was requiring a high capacity piston fill. The diamond is easier to clean and hold (barrel is more comfortable) than the eco, but the eco writes just as well.

Try sensory experiences if you haven't already. Things you normally like to smell, touch, taste, etc. And, if you have access to nature, spend time outside in greenery.

Oof, that is tough. I would strongly recommend figuring out your social networks in a way that helps you feel more comfortable. Insta is really challenging because it's engineered to increase addictive engagement on purpose. That can affect people's ability to focus even when there's a time limit. YMMV.

I am asking for a wonderful surprise of the Universe's choosing, something that makes me happy and benefits me without taking or causing harm to others. (It's been a slog, yo.)

Sometimes people don't know they're being overly critical and negative. A lot of neurodivergent people miss social cues, and assumptions people make about neurotypical people apply. That said, your feedback will depend on how close you are. If it's an acquaintance, change the subject. If it's someone close, just tell them that you're struggling to find the positive and you need their help. Most people adapt if they care about you, because it's easier to help others than to acknowledge our own faults and failings.

I give you permission to suck. Everything you have in your head is going to read much differently on paper (or on your screen). You are at the beginning of a journey and you may change your methods multiple times as you progress. You've already identified what you have to do--read others' works, just sit down and get in the habit of writing.

Heya, I'm so impressed you have a dream! Publishing in general is a hawt mess, but your numbers are low distribution and specific to your community. That's awesome and a great sign you can get interest. Print is going to be very expensive, unfortunately. Especially for low volume. There are some print-on-demand options, too. Several lit magazines have gone to quarterly PDFs, then either crowdfunding for the print version or a collected annual book. So, your options are going to depend on funding, volume of content, and distribution. That said, if you've got a student newspaper or a university press, you can also ask them for advice because you're on campus. Lastly, I'd strongly recommend a business plan regardless, because that can help you focus and clarify your goals.

Honestly? I find that the dudes who say that are emotionally immature. What they're actually saying is: "I can't handle an adult relationship with a mature woman."

Those ombre.. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Unfortunately, I feel that both of you are in serious danger. Don't be afraid to have your phone charged and on you at all times. Document every instance because you may need that for a restraining order. Make sure you have a heavy flashlight. Your sister may come around eventually, but don't wait. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. You both deserve to be safe in your own home.

Editing to add: if there is a next time he walks in on you naked, scream "pedophile" loudly. You're not overreacting. You need to be safe.

True! Unfortunately, people only change if they want to.

Yes, I am taking anti-anxiety medication and have been treating the anxiety in particular with supplemental methods like breathing exercises, etc. Anxiety is no joke and I would strongly recommend treatment.

The disclosure is on a site by site basis. I have resorted to researching the decks by looking up the artist before buying.

The hammock might be something to try again. With cats, bribery works. If you leave treats in the hammock and leave her alone she'll eventually discover it and think she's brilliant. At the very least, a well placed hammock or windowsill perch will catch her.