My favorite part is the confidence it gives me in my progress. Knowledge is power.

Not may be. Inbody is a scam. Stop doing them.

oak park

Yeah, and I'm telling you that you should plan on paying upwards of $100/mo for a high quality gym that will fit with what you're looking for.

You could try a Powerhouse. They're affordable, but have older equipment and are usually kinda small.

oak park

You want a gym for serious lifting, hitting PRs, and has plenty of squat racks with other people who take it seriously...but aren't willing to pay for a high quality gym? And you're considering Planet Fitness, where the dumbbells only go up to 60 lbs and they don't have barbells?

Cmon man.

You eat 46 calories. Are you under the impression that you shouldn't go over your macro goals??

If you have a big belly you should be in a weight loss phase until it is gone. Since you're a beginner lifter you will gain muscle as you lose the fat.

Unfortunately as a man the fat in your belly is likely to disappear last. You will have very lean arms and legs, your upper back will lean out, your face will lean out, and finally your love handles and belly will go away. This is very typical for male weight gain and lose (gain it goes in reverse, belly fat coming on first)

I'd set a weight loss goal of 210 at 1lb loss per week and then reevaluate when you get there.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!

Listen, as someone with ADHD I understand being a bit scattered brained sometimes, but bro you need to slow down and read these comments.

You sound like you're scrambling for a million answers. We've all been there.

Take a deep breath, set MF to lose about 1lb per week, set your protein at about 150, set your fat at 50, with the rest in carbs. Set your initial calories at 2000. Check in 1x per week for updated calorie limits. Then track everything you eat on a scale. If you're on the road a lot, meal prep on weekends so there is no guessing.

You sound busy, so I would aim for 3x per week lifting with a full body program.

If you do this, you will lose weight and gain muscle. However, you need to do this for the long haul. Do not think in weeks. Think in months and years. Especially years.

It's okay to do whatever you want. The app will have you dialed in within 2-3 weeks regardless.

Good advice. A lot of people opt to wait until their trend weight hits the goal weight as opposed to the scale weight, which I think helps mentally when the scale starts creeping up.

oak park

I very rarely see anything in "totally fine" condition on the curb. However, I guess totally fine is subjective.

You'll likely be fine but rangers do walk trails after dark.

oak park

Jacob Collier isn't really a party crazy dancing type of musician from what I've seen. Just sit in the balcony.

There are reserved campsites at negwegon. Don't stealth camp like an asshole.

Lake Michigan to the top of the big dune on pierce stocking drive in sleeping bear

I ate 3 slices of pizza on Saturday without grinding out a 900 calorie workout and I'm still losing weight. It's called being responsible and following the program.

Get out of bed, pee, step on scale. It's quite simple.

I don't recommend get out of bed, step on scale, pee. It makes a mess.

Can you lay down/camp in a cx5 with the back sets flat?

Pick a beginners program (r/fitness has good ones) and just start going to the gym. Aim for about 140g protein per day. Set MF to a slow bulk. You're not overweight and you're a beginner so you should be able to put on some lean mass in the next 6 months. If you get too fluffy and don't like it, go into a slow cut. Easy peasy!

If I am concerned I cannot do a lift, I simply don't try to use weight as a way to overload the movement. Instead, drop the weight by 5 or 10% and go for some more reps.