Not a notebook. I have a wordfile on my portable harddrive.

Good idea, but we would have to redo the doorstils and the top of the stairs to make it work. Old houses aren't really robot friendy.

He does the laundry, I only fold and put away.

He fills the dishwasher, and he's the one who puts away all the toys every other night so the robot can do its thing.

He also does all the work on our cars and maintenance stuff around our big old house. Including the upkeep on our rental apartment in the basement.

Good on you for putting your foot down and getting help elsewhere when he didn't do his part.

I wish my man would agree to this.

At least he got us a robot mop/vacuum. Downstairs floors look good.

I can stay on top of the kitchen, and the bathrooms take me an hour once a month. (Quick spritz and wipe in between) But the floors upstairs almost never get done. There is dust everywhere, and I don't think we've ever done most of the windows. To mention a few things.

That's why i got premium. I'm a teacher, and the adds they played whenever I tried to play a short video or song to my 1st graders were really inappropriate

So, basically just keep sitting here playing games with my man? Count me in.

Or people who get money from grandma.

My daughter of less than 1 is being spoiled by her great grandma who doesn't trust banks. The people at the stores look at me weird whenever I take out cash. They always have to cancel the pay by card commands they have already pushed on their registers.

This is why you get a pet. So you can feel les crazy while doing it.

Worms often do that! Local charities often can help you get a quick treatment for that, just in case!

Be aware that a big belly is not a reliable way to tell that a cat is pregnant. Worms can make a cats belly swell up too!

If you can, contact a local charity to help you get her checked and worm treatment might be smart either way!

Svalbard island, Norway.

Ca 2 600 inhabitants but 30 000 visitors each year. Mostly in summer as Winters are dark and cold.

You don't have to wash your hair to shower. I use a shower cap most days and wash it 2 times a week.

Dry shampoo Inbetween washdays

As a fellow big chested girly, yes. I can not do much without any support. The jiggle and pulling and backpain is unreal.

Yes, yes I do. I'm outside all day one day a week as part of my job. And I still like to look good.

I mean, that and better fitted rain gear to my bodyshape does make it less likely to have leaks when I sit down and such.

My current raincoat is purple with a fitted waist. And it goes down past my but so no water gets into my rain pants when sitting down! Straight down coats just tend to be loose in all the wrong places. They get stuck on branches and such, and water gets in through the loose parts.

I have a curvy body, with a pear shape and big boobs. And I am a really feminine woman. (I'm usually wearing a dress.)

So my waist is smallish, but my boobs and hips make it so the straight line mens coats would need to be an xxl, and I look like I'm huge.

I think my body shape is a lot more defined, and I feel more confident in a style that defines my waist.

You're welcome to buy the men's version, and I'll keep buying what fits my body best.

As someone who has been pregnant/breastfeeding for the last 1.5 years +, yes. I still drink alkohol free wine on occasion and have found I love cider without the alkohol too. I also usually stock alkohol free beer for my SO. He loves to have one with dinner but doesn't see the need to drink alcohol every day.

It's called lawn rescue here. A mix of seeds and fertilise. Add plenty of water and don't walk on it for a few months. Oh, and make sure nothing is put over top. No cars parked there, no kiddy pool left out for a whole week, etc.

Honestly, this is better for the bees and I've always liked a bit of flower in my grass.

That being said, soil test like another commentor said and fix the pH.

And mow regularly. They takes the flowers off the plants and slowly the grass takes over.

This is what we are planing 😊 slip and slide, bushes on the side, and a terrace on the bottom (already there).

Does that sometimes in southern Europe too. They close stores for a few hours in the middle of the day, and everyone relaxes and eats lunch with their families. Then you shop in the morning or evening, and bring plenty of water for your walk.

It looks almost exactly like the area where I live. Except we have a major road to cross before reaching the grocery store. There is just a walk path carved through the bush on both sides of the road, and people just walk anyway. I try to use the crosswalk. (100m down the road), but sometimes, if there is no traffic, I'm too lazy.

And of course there is a whole apartment building on top of the grocery store too. And behind and next to it.


I concider myself a really feminin woman. I'm a mom and I love it. I love cooking and feeding and taking care of my family.

I teach elementary school and it sounds like OP and I have a lot in common when it comes to caring for all the kids in the neighbourhood.

Still, all i want for my daughter is the right to choose to be whatever she wants to. If she wants to follow in her great grandmas footsteps (one of the first university educated women in my country! ) and be a scientist, she can. If she wants to be a CEO, she can. If she wants to have a bunch of kids, I'll be the happies grandma ever. That's feminism to me.

As a teacher, one of the things I make sure to do is to make misstakes and praise my students when they figure it out.

"Did I forget a letter in that word? Oh! My mistake, I'll just correct it right now. Nicely spotted!"

That way they learn

  • to look for misstakes
  • that making misstakes is OK
  • that they won't be laughed at for making any misstakes in class.

I was like that, too. SO and i are both brown haired, but no one was surprised when little girl arrived with a head full of fluffy white clouds. It will probably get darker with time.

We accidentally did the Sarah thing.

Our daughter is named Emma. I work in the local school and hadn't had any 1th graders named Emma in a while, so I figured it was alright. Classic, easy name.

There is another little girl named Emma in the area. And to make it easy, they are born on the same day and have the same last name. We have to make sure to use their middle name at the doctors office.