i recently realized that my boyfriend and i look kind of similar to each other. it’s sweet in a strange way.Appreciation

my boyfriend and i have been together for almost a year. i recently realized something, and honestly the realization hit me like a truck lol; we both have similar facial features. i don’t know how i never noticed it before! he doesn’t look eerily similar to me or anything; our features are just a tiny bit similar. similar enough for me to come to such a realization, at least.

i haven’t told him about this at all. i think it’s a little sweet that we’re so similar to each other. we have similar interests, similar hobbies, and a similar sense of humor. whenever i look at him, i see parts of myself – and now i literally see myself in him.

im curious — do any of you look similar to your partner?

people with diagnosed endometriosis, is penetration painful for you?Sex, intimacy & relationships

if so, how do you cope with it? i’m worried about my sex life someday.

EDIT: thanks for the responses everyone, a lot of you have mentioned pelvic floor exercises; i will definitely give it a try! i should also mention that i have not had sex before, but even putting a finger up there hurts. i’ve always had a crippling fear of penetration for some reason, so i can’t tell if it’s simply a case of vaginismus or if it’s endo related. anyways, i will take things slowly, care for myself and most importantly be patient and kind to myself. thanks again! 🙏

agreed. it’s disgusting how nobody gives a shit about endometriosis. painful periods, painful sex, digestive issues, painful EVERYTHING.

stay strong, and best of luck with the hysterectomy. we’re in this together <3

my long distance boyfriend and i type little letters to each other every single morning. we each write a little paragraph or so about how much we love and appreciate each other. even when we both have busy mornings, we always make some time to type these little letters.

he always makes my day with his sweet and encouraging words. he’s such a gentleman. i love him so much :’)

oh brother…so, we were doing long distance. we were an hour apart. i find it difficult to believe that this guy had any love for me at all. in fact, hindsight made me realize that he probably just liked the idea of having a girlfriend. i really don’t think he loved me at all.

he did a lot of things that i overlooked like an idiot, but here’s the main ones that really get to me.

  1. i was 17 and he was 21 when we started dating. which…i should’ve walked away from that immediately, but i was a dumb love struck teenager.

  2. he never made time for me…like ever. talking on the phone felt like a chore to him, or something. i would make sure my saturdays were free so that we could spend them together gaming and chatting all afternoon, and i can’t tell you the amount of times he cancelled on me. got so bad to the point where we didn’t call for literally weeks. the funny thing is he’d get upset with me for taking 20-30 minutes to respond. most of the time when i didn’t respond quickly, it’s because i was in school. he knew that. he had work; i had school. we both had our own schedules. but he NEVER wanted to spend his free time with me.

  3. he’s as white as white can get, and one day out of the blue said the n word, which made me quite uncomfortable as i’m a colored person. i told him not to say it, and his response: “here in brazil it’s not considered racist, it’s just like a cuss word.” highly doubt but…ok then! and yeah, he still continued to say it.

  4. claimed he’s not homophobic, yet he was literally appalled by gay men. however, he was very into the fact that i was into girls, going as far as asking me intimate questions like if i’ve ever been alone with a girl and “done it” before. mind you i had barely turned 18 at that point.