They're probably throwing slushies at them. Oh wait...

He didn’t lose a dodgeball tournament by any chance did he?

:flag-libertarian-social: libertarian socialist

Don't know if it counts but rocket launchers are pretty fun.

These kids would get expelled so I don't blame them for not getting physical. Clowns like these need to get fined for the cost of tuition they're wasting.

This fucker should be made to pay the tuition for the missed lecture.

Hear me out but I think we need a social credit system. If your score gets too low then off to the work camps you go.

This was just one bad game. Matt Pryor had a whole season of dog shit plays.

Correct me if I’m wrong but this line from DH2 suggests he knew Harry was listening to his original statements in Hagrid’s hut.  

“Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it. But I would, in this case, amend my original statement to this, ‘Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who deserve it.’”

Testing is a tool and should be used as such. It’s especially useful to verify that requirements are being met and future changes don’t break existing functionality. Since you are the only one writing the code and are setting your own requirements I don’t think it’s as useful. Although, you might add some for extra credit if one of your interview questions is related to testing.

CoS. Harry went down a dark tunnel with a useless fraud and an essentially wandless Ron to go fight a monster he’s not supposed to even look at.

S3 is what I use but it’s probably not the friendliest to jump straight into.

I can confirm that I used to work with a bunch of cops and many of them were itching to kill someone for bragging rights. They talked about it with the same zeal that teenage boys do when they talk about losing their virginity.

Maybe he'll finally get permanently fired after about the 5th time getting in trouble at a new department.

Yeah my childhood dream was to be an NFL slave.

Imagine how fast the cops would get called if a guy did this.

Rich people get away with stuff even in the wizarding world.