Henry, while continuing to be Henry the Serial Killer, eventually found Otis too vile (or visible) to tolerate.

Which says a lot about Otis.

And that organism is a worm inside super-Hitler, floating through an even larger cosmos.

Bipolar II

Lithium builds up in your bloodstream over time, which is one of the reasons labs are scheduled to ensure your lithium level is not too high.

Missing one dose shouldn't dramatically decrease your lithium level, but you want to get back on schedule as soon as possible.

I'm not qualified to predict what will happen, but I don't think you should panic.

Personal experience: I've missed one or two doses before due to refill issues with no noticeable effect.


Buddy, we’re talking about Greece. You can’t apply American corporate live to work values on a nation that works to live.

Not the point.

Besides, tourism is a 24/7 industry, office jobs are not. Why would an office be open on a Saturday when suppliers, logistics companies and other contacts abroad are closed?

Design and development. Project management. Planning. Installing equipment. Miscellaneous paperwork. Anything to "get ahead."

A near infinite list.

Had a psydoc once tell me it was a symptom of comorbid OCD, and that OCD isn't always about being a "neat freak."

Had another one disagree. But I kind of follow the first's logic.

However, I met my current boyfriend the same month me and my ex broke up and I still miss my ex.

You ended a three year relationship and haven't given yourself a chance to process it.

Yeah I've always hated that one, and the comparison doesn't really absolve taylor's song of anything.

I dunno. I don't hate this. Even if it's a little forced, it's good to remind people they can be positive in the workplace.

Most people suck at even saying "thank you" sincerely in the office.

Competing in the olympics is a privilege, not a right, and the Dutch don't have to celebrate this guy, which is what they're effectively doing.

Also maybe read the details.

Her cover of Hurt So Bad is one of my all-time favorite vocal performances.

She just belts it out and you can really feel it.

Yeah well they specifically chose a thorium molten salt reactor because of waste management and safety factor.

That's pretty fucking informed.

Do you live in the south bay, where they literally have Mcdonald's signs in Vietnamese?

It's like its own Asian country.

Yes, we should all consider the positives of living in North Korea.

I hate that I was too young to appreciate what he was doing when this aired.

I actually think I was pissed at him. Which would have made me part of the gag.