I have no self respect. I reached out to my abuser again, why am I doing this

I keep thinking that after 4 years of the relationship ending, that speaking to him will give me some peace of mind but it never does but I still reach out. Why doesn't it ever sink in that this person covertly abused me, manipulated me, gaslit me hurt me for almost a decade. It sometimes feel like the abuse was not real


He had no glaring signs, only that he was extremely malicious, selfish and narcissistic as a child - but one could say a lot of teenage boys are like that? I have a feeling that he was coached HARD about being as covert as possible and to never bring it up or talk about disdain for girls/women.

I've seen so many posts on reddit, in fact I have seen EVERY SINGLE ONE, on how to spot a redpill, what are the signs, what are the tell-tale red-flags, none of them relate to me, he did none of the redflags they tell you to look out for. A lot of people on reddit talk about redpill's politics and that you could tell by the way they view politics, I know you touched on opinions on current events, but I'm not from the U.S, so politics especially American politics is not common here, nor did I even think about it in my teens. I found redpill on his laptop. I am British so no one around me knew anything at all about redpill. It was just that I remembered a redpill vocab that he used from years ago, that I randomly searched up and it lead me to the subreddit, and there it was... all of the tactics he did throughout 10 years.

edit: I really really hope other people see this comment, sometimes there's no real way to spot redpills. Everyone swears up and down its so easy to spot and they give it away on their own - but not always.

yes I loooove r/exredpill and have been on there alot. I've seen many many stories on there of people who have been abused via RP tactics. I've even spoken to my ex very briefly about rp, I think the general thing with these types of people is that like most abusers, they will never truly come clean. I think this is what has halted my healing, that and the smear campaign

I feel like if you date someone you will be able to figure out within a few months what content they consume.

He was instructed as a pre-teen to be as covert as humanely possible, even with his vocabulary. He had never spoken badly about women in his life. His content on all social platforms didn't show any signs of redpill, until I checked his laptop in my twenties and put it together this had been what he followed for a decade and I had indeed been subject to many many tactics. He plays the 'good guy' facade extremely well.

Yes, I've thought about it a lot. But I'm not entirely sure it will be the end all cure. But definitely worth a try

I have lundys why does he do that on my nightstand currently. I'm still getting through it - its quite a heavy read for me lol

Definitely a huge narcissism and redpill overlap. They basically tell men to emulate them and psychopaths as much as possible.

I've become obsessed with reading about redpill tactics used against me for a decadeCPTSD Vent / Rant

I'll cut a long story short. I was involved with a boy from age - to - and he had been using covert abuse tactics, redpill tactics and psychopathy strategies to break me down. I'm now in my twenties, I am spiralling the older I get. I hate that I am so obsessed with the fact someone used a ideology to abuse me for this many years, all I do is ruminate on how horrible it all was. I'm still in shock from finding out he was redpill and I was a pawn in his game. What should I do?

edit: lots of confusion on redpill. Its a sexual strategy, almost a cult, where men try to create a abuser and abusee dynamic using covert tactics like dreadgame, negging, withdrawal, strategised ghosting - where they will go ghost for 6 months so that you are trauma-bonded, triangulation, subtle emotional abuse, intermittent reinforcement, mindgames, push/pull techniques, use psychopathy tactics, basically creating a trauma bond using sociopathic-based techniques from psychology academic journals.

edit: edited out few details and ages due to fear that this post my be found


TRAUMA - it doesn't have the same weight to it as it once did

Do not do more for men than they do for you!