Jimmy said the same thing about KAT but he’s gotten better in the last couple years.

Very easy to say on the internet. Would you say that to my face?

These are easy things to write on Reddit and so much harder to say in person.

Bidens millionaire donors could put in $100 million to a new campaign in a week.

Why do these huge problems keep happening under Republican presidents who can’t keep us safe? 9/11? Iraq War? Hurricane Katrina? Mortgage crisis and stock market crash? Covid? January 6th? What’s the worst thing to have happened under Clinton/Obama/Biden? Illegal immigration went up? Inflation (due to COVID)?

There’s a trend over the last 30 years.

Cutting ties and putting tariffs on a country slows down the conversation. Would have been better to get a handle on the pandemic early. America First policies hurt us big time. Trump also tore up the Pandemic Playbook that Obama left him.

We don’t know which way the partisan lean is going to go this year. But it would be better to be up by 2% when looking at 2020s results.

Yyoung people won’t vote for Biden because he’s so old and that’s why he’s losing so big with them?

Trump was throwing a fit and didn’t talk to China. There’s a reason we only had a pandemic when a game show host was president. Most presidents are mature enough to discuss matters with foreign powers when they will cost millions of lives.

Trailing by 1 and trailing by 8 is different.

How many Kennedy voters would come over to support Newsom Harris or Buttigieg? Probably a good chunk.

I don’t think anyone is really a Biden or Bust voter. We all just want to beat Trump. The independents are killing us. Dems and GOP voters are about the same for their candidates but there is huge weakness among independents and 18-34.

80% of the CNN poll think that Biden should be replaced. A lot of bots…..

I always thought President was the toughest job in the world. But it’s mainly picking between 3 choices that your advisers give you. So if you pick the right advisers and hire well then you’ll have some good debate and come up with good options. Good judgment is needed but the last 7 years have proved it’s not the hardest job in the world.

It’s a bad idea to vent like this. Was Trump venting when he said “Lock her up”?

That is quite literally not an official act of the President. I’m seeing a lot of rage now that reminds me of Republicans and I think it’s very unhealthy.

First of all Bidens not going to do it. Second of all I don’t think fascism is a good form of government even if it’s my sides fascism.

I looked at Dean Phillips name for a minute but then didn’t want to explain to my wife why I voted against Biden. I was sure that the establishment wouldn’t screw us if he was declining rapidly. Boy was I wrong.

That’s going to be a great line when he does it on the opening night.

Newsom would have a similar Cabinet and similar priorities. I don’t know if he would have done a better job from 2021-2023 but he would be an improvement now.

Presidents give speeches to outline a vision for the future. They also are provide national security, diplomacy, and appoint judges. I think the speeches would be better under Newsom and the security, diplomacy, and judges would be about the same.

What is the official act if Biden used a drone strike on Mar A Lago? And who would carry that out? All of you are watching too much TV. Trump is going to do heinous things, especially at the border. But he’s not going to drone strike the Obamas in their home.

The President has always had these powers. Suspending the Constitution, Japanese internment camps, all the War powers are basically fascist. I just don’t think it has been wise for the media to say that it’s true. There would still be a court case to figure out if the President can assassinate his rivals. He would definitely be brought to trial.