Javonte today. Kendre in 2 weeks when Kamara is cut

Historically speaking humans have more free time today than at any point in history. Living is hard. Used to be harder.

I don’t think Ingram is worth it for the Rockets.

She’s being treated differently because she’s the all time scorer in college basketball, men’s or women’s.

You see Reese clapping when her teammate took a cheap shot on CC. Actions like that is why she gets hate.

Rockets don’t do this trade

This was posted a day or two ago on this sub. Guy had a real good analysis. Take away was buy Shaheed

Looks highly competitive to me.

1 dynasty player in Allen.

Top 10 QB in Goff Top 3 WR in Lamb 3 Good RB 2 really good TE All your draft picks.

Your bench is weak as hell and you have no exciting young players. I’d target a Mike Evans / Amari cooper type.

Bro don’t f around with that stuff. You gotta promise yourself to never do it again.

Gotchya. I’ll give it to ya you certainly walked the walk by paying the 2.01 for him this year. I’d rather brooks or Ladd personally.

Whoa you mean you just took him at the 2.01 in a startup since he’s been on the Steelers? That’s like the 13th overall pick.

In SF I’d take two QBs. Go Williams and Daniels.
Or you could tell the guy at 1.02 you’re taking MHJ with the 1.01, and try to bluff and ask him to trade up from the 1.03 to his 1.02 for Caleb. Maybe the 1.03 + 2.08 can move you up.