"I want A.I. to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for A.I. to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes."

Fucking this.

How the fuck did we mess this up so bad.

A drum machine or synthesizer a human still needs to program and incorporate into an arrangement is a very very false equivalence to typing a sentence into an AI and it making the music for you.

I see this over and over in AI discussions, that this is just a tool and us naysayers are being needlessly pessimistic.

But this is the literal removal of humans from the creative process. It's delusional to think in 10 years time there will even still be a human typing the prompt.

No one said he should be president. Just that he shouldn't have been murdered by cops.

So they then had to claim that the misdemeanor was done in the furtherance of another crime, which would make it a felony.

This isn't that unusual. Lots and lots of crimes change severity based on intent. We have entirely different categories of theft,murder, and possession of contraband based around what the intent of the perpetrator was.

Depending on jurisdiction getting caught with a half oz of weed is often a misdemeanor, but if you have it separated into individual grams with a scale, they'll often go after you for a felony intent to sell charge. That doesn't make the charge a sham, it's a different crime with a heavier penalty.

So, what is the other crime ? Well, it was alleged that this would be to alter an election. This is something they absolutely can not ever prove. And I am certain that it didn't affect the election at all.

Well, one, whether or not crimes are successful or effective isn't really what makes them crimes.

Two, they proved it enough to convince a jury to convict on the charge.

If I end up in court on a charge, I, and others can claim ""they didn't prove it" all they want. If the jury decides they did, in the eyes of the law they did.

The defense had every opportunity to purge jurors they believed exhibited bias against him if they thought anyone was not going to be looking just at the facts of the case.

You and I were not in the courtroom every day hearing and seeing testimony. All we have is snippets that have shown up in the news, so feeling like we could have a better grasp on how firm or not the states case against him was is pretty absurd.

Beyond all that. I wasn't really arguing about the merits of the case.

I was arguing about whether or not a guy being pissed off about his convictions is a compelling case that he should be president.

If you're a "moderate independent", and you're.willing to overlook that his entire campaign is largely a revenge promise, and think that anything he says makes him seem more appealing than milk toast center right Joe Biden, you might be a lot further right than you seem to think you are.

RFK is literally running on Republican talking points.

I don't get how anyone thinks he's siphoning Dem votes.

This is a weird take.

Like, middle of the road independents are by definition the least likely to loathe the system and want to send a fuck you. It's the extremes on the left and right that tend to be driven by a belief in the brokenness of the system.

Moderates tend to just want common sense competent leadership, and the last thing that sends that message is Trump ranting that the felonies he got convicted on are a sham.

Not unpopular. Friends is dog shit.

Seinfeld is only marginally better than dog shit.

RFk Jr is a joke.

He's antithetical to the DNC platform, and it's only Republicans that think he would have been a good choice.

They're dope! My number one plug. Good bud at a good price.

Maybe, but you didn't make it. You're just a plagiarist playing pretend.

With a DSLR, you still needed to use your actual hands to do something and have talent.

Cause AI generated "art" is offensive to humanity, and it's annoying as hell watching you guys share it's output and pretending you actually accomplished something useful.

Yeah, that's a lie.

It's hilarious that sour cheeto simps are so unaware of their own unpopularity that they think it's believable that anyone just suddenly decided to vote for him that wasn't already committed.

Definitely don't move to NYC.

These old scenes in expensive cities are very stratified, and EXTREMELY hard to just show up and break into.

You're better off trying to find a more mid or small city. It's a lot easier to meet and get in with people who can help you and there's way less competition.

Some of y'all seem to hate this game so much, I really wonder why you even still play

Classic retort of the terminally indoctrinated.

Must be nice to be so stupid regurgitating buzzwords makes you feel very clever.

It has some of the artistic prestige of classical music, some forms of jazz have the party atmosphere and fun that carries into rock n' roll, and also the boundary pushing forms of free jazz and jazz fusion.

You just answered your own question.

It's the definitive synergy of craft and appeal.

I mean, there's definitely a logical part of my brain that longs for the ignorance of a less connected world, and the peace that would come with it.

But if you can honestly say that hearing about the details of atrocity doesn't elicit a feeling inside you, you're seriously broken.

No one likes hearing about this stuff, but usually it's BECAUSE it makes you feel bad, not because you think it's stupid or obnoxious to even feel bad in the first place.

Fair. That's real.

I wouldn't recommend people stay somewhere that isn't good for them.

I just don't think people should feel pressured to leave for it:s own sake.