
If high school kids made a b-movie based on star wars.

Edit: this last episode was especially bad, and i feel im done with this show, life to short. Even the pain i feel when i watch something so bad is not entertaining enough to keep me intwrested.

Wait for someone to say why this wont work and what a bad idea this is. I really hope this is a thing and it works.

Good post, somebody solved my panic attacks before i even started having them, how insightfull of them.

Yes, had them for a year, dr said it was due to anxiety, i didnt believe them, cause it felt like something else was going on. Now it seems it was due to anxiety and stomach issues combined, started taking ashwagandha just to see if thwre was any difference, they went away pretty quickly after.

Their farms/roads/etc are subsidized by my tax money, but I understand that these people use that land to grow our food and other things, therefore there is this simbiotic relationship I think is beutiful.

That doesnt mean you have a right to what is theirs, they still own the land, and they can call the police and they will remove you. They get subsidies bc farming is hard and a lot of the time unprofitable. There is no simbiotic relationship where they do all the work, take all the risk and get taxpayer money. Its to yiur benefit that they with their knewledge survive.

Im pretty sure this is not how you imagine it to be, because that would imply that someone else has the right to stay/live on your property w/o your permission, like a squatter. That would be a big problem all over the place, and since the police can come and ask you to leave, that means you have no legal right to be there.

Yes, they are special permissions/not laws on certain areas of land. For farm land the only thing that applies is if you have a path over a field, farmer gives permission, a lot of the time theres a sign asking to respect his/her land and such. You dont have a right to camp there.

So your saying that you dont have permission to camp on their land, but you do it anyway, and then when they find you doing what you dont have permission for on their land, they treat you like a human and are nice to you. Maybe even more reason to treat farmers with respect. Most of this sub i feel doesnt understand this and feel they have a right to be there and do what they want, which by law is not the case.

You have the same laws that we do here, you just have more wild nature. I really dont understand why this is so hard to understand, showing other people, in this case farmers, the simple respect of ask8ng for their permission. I assume that a lot of the people in this sub are 20 something, and possible dont have the social/people skills to understand this. If you talk to somebody like a human being, they will mostly be happy to help, else if they feel like their land/trust/whatever is violated, they will most likely be pissed and you will find yourself in the situation above. In a democratic society with property rights its not possible to have rights over some elses property, its basic law on which whole society is built. What you are saying is a missunderstanding of your rights.

I check this out, it says you have ask for permission from a farmer to camp on their land.

That sounds too good to be true, and i doubt the farmers feel the same, but in the case that its true, then good for you. Here in the alps, there are garbage collecting days, where alpinists roam around the hiking trails and collect garbage, bc people dont know how to pick up after themselves.

Just googled this, yes can nautre camp, but not on private property, thats big difference.


I seriously doubt that the people whos land it is are happy about it. Asking for permission is about respect of other people, dont understand why this is so difficult. Free access doesnt mean you can just do whatever you want. I have found numerous times that a nice camping spot is littered with garbage, and it makes me think that people just cant be trusted w cleaning after themselves. Even if most people respect the rules and clean after themselves, there always that someone that doesnt give a shit.

I google this and it says a flat no for majority of europe, this also means farmers fields. I doubt any farmer in any country around the world would be happy with somebody just pitching a tent on their land without even a wink in their direction. Im stunned by this subs reaction to showing farmers just the simplest respect, its their land and even if it say somewhere that you can camp there, i seriously doubt you can do it without permission from the people that own and maintain the property. What tf is wrong with people? If you think that tou can just do anything ob your bike ride, please stay at home, bc your making it worse for the rest of us that actually respect other people.

Just googled this, and it says no. Wild camping in general is illegal and if you want to camp on a farmers land you should ask for permission first. How is this not common knewledge? Please dont go around pissing off farmers, bc you make it worse for everybody else.

Where i come from if theres a camp ground then you cant just camp anywhere, bc nature camping is not permitted. Whats the point of campsites then if people can just camp anywhere? He knew exactly what he was doing, and by the farmers reaction i would assume this is common.


First you have to make the cars, then you can recycle them, there isnt even enough copper for the charging stations being produced if we go full EV. No deep sea mining no new EVs.

In my country farmers are super territorial, ive gotten yelled at a few times just for bikeing on their farm paths. What he did was excessive, but judging by the 'im a bikepacker i can do whatever i want' comments, maybe some people are being disrespectful and it shows.

Who me? Annoying weirdo? Holly shit im going up in the world! Ive never actually listened to destiny, dont have anything against him, i just like the sub, a lot of the time its a bit more intelligent then the alternatives.

Please use some critical think and assume that if the grass is cut it must belong to somebody and since you dont have permission to camp there, you cannot camp there. I dont understand why people think they can just do whatever they want if they are a bikepacker, its common courtesy, and in most countries police would give you a fine.

I agree its abit much, but i would assume this has happened to him more then just this once.


I would be pretty pissed if i found someone on my property without my permission. In my experience its not always they did no harm, people leave garbage behind and there shit. In a lot of countries wild camping is not allowed.