He does have experience with stock he owns being affected by shorting, anyway. People that aren’t on “our side” can definitely still hurt each other.

We ignore different things at different times. You talk about cars, someone says why are we ignoring planes. You talk about planes, someone says what about industrial agriculture. You say “warfare is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gas overall” people say “we lobbied for that to be exempt from measurements of greenhouse emissions, so shut up.” But deflecting to different specific issues makes it so we never actually have to do anything, we just have to have debate after debate about whether we should debate about something else.

And indirectly help solve other problems by freeing up resources.


In addition to all the other explanations, asexuality doesn’t exactly prevent anyone from reproducing. Especially with how much people were historically coerced into reproduction. How many asexual women do you think became mothers because society required them to?

Maybe you could do the same thing, just with a different angle. Maybe he has an estranged son. Maybe you show up and ask for some fatherly guidance on a hobby he has. Maybe he’s into woodworking, or model trains. Become the son he never had!

And then Mila Kunis is like “I could get used to this!” Credits.

Seems like Canada is working on accepting as many climate or war refugees as possible. Which is not popular with some people, and doesn’t solve the root problems, but that’s how it is.

Could have had a whole episode where people discuss the ethical implications of the holodeck child incubator.

What about Biagio da Cesena? He criticized Michelangelo, and Michelangelo painted his likeness in the Sistine chapel with donkey ears and a snake biting his genitals.